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What should I do if Im extremely unmotivated?

What should I do if Im extremely unmotivated?

Feeling Unmotivated? 10 Steps to Get You Out of the Funk in an Hour or Less

  1. Don’t fight the lack of motivation.
  2. Once you have accepted your slump, get to the bottom of it.
  3. Dig into that area.
  4. Take your list of what is missing and go through it.
  5. Get support for creating the life you want.

What do I do when my child refuses to do school work?

If your child refuses to do his or her work, then calmly give the consequence that you established for not doing homework. Also, trying to convince your child that grades are important is a losing battle. You can’t make your child take school as seriously as you do. The truth is, they don’t typically think that way.

What should I do if I don’t like school?

Finding Help. It’s a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mom, dad, relative, teacher, or school counselor will be able to help you. It’s especially important to tell an adult if the problem is that you’re being bullied or someone hurts you physically.

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How do you deal with a failing grade in high school?

Identify the Problem. If your teen has a failing grade or is in danger of not passing, sit down and discuss the problem. Ask your teen for help uncovering the reasons he’s not passing. Sometimes students who start out strong get sidetracked while other students just aren’t motivated to stay on track.

What happens if you fail a class in high school?

After all, failed classes could mean a lower GPA, trouble getting into college, and perhaps even trouble graduating from high school on time . When high school students fall behind in their classes, catching up can be quite difficult. When grades begin to plummet, many teens give up.

What do you do after school in high school?

But in high school because I was tasked to go to bed by 8pm, then I studied from the time I got home until bedtime. (Example: home by 5pm…and start readings or work on paper outlines. Then join family for dinner meal. After dinner, help with cleanup of kitchen and then work on anything not completed.

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What should I do if my child is failing in school?

If your teen has a failing grade or is in danger of not passing, sit down and discuss the problem. Ask your teen for help uncovering the reasons he’s not passing. Sometimes students who start out strong get sidetracked while other students just aren’t motivated to stay on track.