
Does the Mueller Report say anything about Russian collusion?

Does the Mueller Report say anything about Russian collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion. The Mueller Report did not find any evidence of collusion, but did find two main efforts by the Russians to interfere in the 2016 presidential campaign.

What did Robert Mueller’s investigation find?

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.

Was it just announced that there was no collusion with Russia?

“It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia,” Trump said Sunday “It was a complete and total exoneration.” Trump also added that the investigation was “illegal” but did not elaborate.

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Did Mueller draw a conclusion on obstruction?

Mueller did not, Barr said, “draw a conclusion — one way or the other — as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction.”

What does Robert Mueller’s final report say?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails.

How many subpoenas did the Mueller investigation issue?

The investigation issued over 2,800 subpoenas, executed almost 500 search warrants, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses. The Mueller report included references to 14 criminal investigations that were referred to other offices, 12 of which were completely redacted in the April 18 release.

Why did Pandora open the box in Pandora?

Pandora, who was created to be curious, couldn’t stay away from the box and the urge to open the box overcame her. Horrible things flew out of the box including greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death. All of life’s miseries had been let out into the world. Pandora slammed the lid of the box back down.

What does the Mueller Report say about obstruction of Justice?

As far as obstruction, the Mueller report laid out facts on both sides but did not reach a conclusion. Barr’s letter said that “the Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”
