Useful tips

Why do people use then in place of Than?

Why do people use then in place of Than?

Because in many dialects of spoken English, people pronounce them both the same, and that pronunciation is closer to ‘then’, or even ‘thn’. Because in many dialects of spoken English, people pronounce them both the same, and that pronunciation is closer to ‘then’, or even ‘thn’.

Why do so many people mix up then and than?

Writers often confuse the words than and then because they sound alike when spoken. Remember that than is used to make comparisons and then is used to indicate a point in time. Incorrect: You reacted more calmly then I would have.

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Is it better than ever or better then ever?

Better than before is correct. Than is used to compare, so in this sentence, we are comparing before and the present situation. Then is used to denote something that follows something else. For example, I will do my homework and then go to play.

Why you should not use the word just?

The word “just” diminishes the content that follows this word. It is a “protector” word, a word that softens what you want to achieve. When you say, “I’m just following-up on my below e-mail…,” you are downplaying the importance of your e-mail and why you are reaching out. You are softening your request for a response.

Why can’t people use then and than correctly?

People misuse “than” and “then” because sound the same if said quickly. They did not learn adequately that “then” is an adverb. “Than” is a conjunction that shows comparatives or alternatives. Many people have forgotten their grammar rules from 3rd grade.

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How do you remember than then?

A good trick to keep track of these words is that then is usually used to indicate time. Both then and time have a letter “E” in them. Than is used to make comparisons. Both than and comparison have a letter “A” in them.

Is using the word obviously rude?

“obviously” merely confirms what someone said, with no criticism of the speaker. This may, in speech, depend if the statement is made ironically or not.

Is it rude to use the word obviously?

“Obviously” is a purely destructive word. It’s commonly used when a new concept or idea is being built of pre-existing notions. As a teacher, these prerequisites for understanding might seem simple and, well, obvious.

What does it mean to be educated?

To be considered educated, said the panelists, students should leave school with a deep understanding of themselves and how they fit into the world, and have learned what some call “soft skills” – complex problem-solving, creativity, entrepreneurship, the ability to manage themselves, and the ability to be lifelong learners.

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What is the disconnect between education and the common desire?

As Professor Fernando Reimers, who moderated the panel, summarized, there is a disconnect between how education gets delivered in the classroom and the common desire for students to become good, well-rounded people.

What are the 10 words Smart People always use?

10 Words Smart People Always Use (and 7 They Never Do) 1. “If” — improves performance when describing a hypothetical positive.. Here’s a universal truth. No one likes to be… 2. “Could” — boosts creativity when used instead of “should.”. In a 1987 study, researchers gave participants an… 3.

Why don’t educators create well-rounded students?

Delisle pointed out that educators often lose sight of creating well-rounded students because they are busy fighting over accountability and who is at fault in the classroom. Then, educators tend to focus more on “silver bullets” and “best practices” as a means to solving educations problems, she said.