
Do teachers remember their best students?

Do teachers remember their best students?

yes of course teachers do remember their favorite students. They remember both good as well as naughty students. They remember the memories which they had with them. Some teachers will remember and some might not.

Do teachers remember quiet students?

Teachers tend to remember students at either end of the behavior/intellectual spectrum. Many teachers remember those students who were extremely difficult as they take an inordinate amount of time and energy. Originally Answered: Do teachers remember the quiet, smart, hard working, well-behaved students? Yes.

Do professors actually remember students?

Just like other human beings, academics will tend to remember students who they have had regular one-on-one contact with over a sustained period of time. They are unlikely to remember students who they have met only in group settings (e.g., in lectures, etc.) or only on sporadic occasions.

Do teachers love shy students?

Most teachers know that shy students are like anyone else in their class: we want to reach them and hope that they have a good class experience. I have never known a teacher to dislike a shy student, if that is what you are asking.

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How do you become a teacher’s favorite student?


  1. Always be prepared for class.
  2. Never talk between students in the class unless absolutely necessary and focus on what the teacher is saying.
  3. Try being early to class.
  4. Always give the teacher compliments.
  5. Hold the door for your teacher and show that you care about them.
  6. Never be rude to your teacher.

Do teachers remember their students through the years?

A teacher can remember few students as if he/she is much intelligent or he/she is the naughtiest student in the class. These type of situations can make a teacher remember the student otherwise, it is difficult to remember. Originally Answered: Teachers, Do you remember your students through the years?

What makes a teacher memorable?

They may even influence your own teaching today. So what makes a teacher memorable? Students often remember teachers who were kind or funny or brilliant or passionate. They remember teachers who cared about them. They remember teachers who were supportive or encouraging or saw something in them no one else did.

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Do You Remember your college students?

Yes we do remember some students. It may not be by name. Very good ones and very bad ones are easy to remember. Some times, it is not just how good or bad one student was to remember, also some student make impression as free thinkers. They may not be too A student, but they still make impression.

How many students do high school teachers teach in a year?

Oh my goodness – we try to! Keep in mind, though, that the average high school teacher teaches between 80-130 students per year. Conceivably, that means we meet over 1300 kids over the course of ten years. Also, people don’t realize just how much their looks change when they leave high school.