
What is the average height of an Asian American man?

What is the average height of an Asian American man?

Medical examination data maintained by the CDC shows white (average height of 5-foot-10 rounded to the nearest inch) and black (5-foot-9) men tend to be significantly taller than Asian (5-foot-7) or Hispanic (5-foot-7) men.

What is a good height for Asian male?

Average Male Height Worldwide

Country Height in Centimeters and Feet
Singapore 172.6, or 5 feet, 8 inches
China 171.8, or 5 feet, 7.5 inches
Japan 170.8, or 5 feet, 7 inches
Kenya 169.6, or 5 feet, 7 inches

How tall is a typical Asian?

Surveys and studies

Country / region Average male height Average female height
Chile 169.6 cm (5 ft 7 in) 156.1 cm (5 ft 11⁄2 in)
China 167.1 cm (5 ft 6 in) 155.8 cm (5 ft 11⁄2 in)
China 169.7 cm (5 ft 7 in) 158 cm (5 ft 2 in)
Colombia 170.6 cm (5 ft 7 in) 158.7 cm (5 ft 21⁄2 in)
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What is considered short for a guy?

Originally Answered: At what height do you consider a guy short? Short is 5′ 6″ or less for guys. Here is a guide…. 5′6″ or less is short, 5′7″ to 5′10″ is medium height average (not short) and not tall…but 5′11″ to 6′4″ is tall.

What is the average height of a Vietnamese man?

162.1 cm tall
The average Vietnamese man is 162.1 cm tall and the average woman 152.2 cm, far shorter than their Asian peers like Chinese, Singaporeans, Japanese, and South Koreans. The averages are 170.7 cm and 157.4 for South Korean, 169 cm and 158 cm for Chinese and 172 cm and 158 cm for Japanese.

What is the average height for Vietnamese man?

How tall is the average Korean man?

The average height for South Korean men is 170.7 cm (5 ft 7 in), whilst for women it is 157.4 cm (5 ft 2 in). On average, South Korean men are 5 inches or so taller than North Korean men, whilst there is but a mere inch in it when you compare the height of North Korean women with their southern cousins.

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What is considered short in Asia?

Basically around 3 inches shorter compared to western people in general. It depends on the country, in general with Asian men below 5’7 being low, Asian women below 5’2 being low.

What is average height for a man?

5 feet 9 inches
Average height for men in the United States According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , the average age-adjusted height for American men 20 years old and up is 69.1 inches (175.4 centimeters). That’s about 5 feet 9 inches tall.