
What does more than 4 times mean?

What does more than 4 times mean?

To scientists and mathematicians, 4 times more has a precise meaning. 4 times the base (10) is 40 so four times more than 10 is 50. One could say that 40 is four times ten, but 50 is four times more than 10.

What is the meaning of four times?

Adv. 1. four times – by a factor of four; “the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years” fourfold.

What is the word for 4 times?

fourfold; four times. – by a factor of four 1. fourfold adv.

What is 10 times as much as 9?

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Ten times as many as 9 hundreds is 9 thousands. thousands is the same as 20 hundreds.

What does three times as many mean in math?

If you earn X dollars, “three times more than x” means 3x + x — “more than” means “add”. “Three times as much” means 3x.

How many is quadruple?

four times
The definition of a quadruple is an amount four times as many. An example of a quadruple is a cocktail with four shots of alcohol.

How do you use quadruple?

Quadruple sentence example

  1. Her mind went to the quadruple locks on the front door and bars on the window.
  2. The press is practically four quadruple machines built together, each of which can be worked independently of the other.
  3. The quantity imported in 1899 was double that in 1890, and quadruple that in 1885.

How many is quintuple?

Quintuplets are a set of five babies born in one birth. A baby that is part of such a set is called a quintuplet and sometimes referred to as a “quint.”

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What is 80 10 times as much as?

If you multiply 80 by 10, your answer will be 800.

What is the meaning of four times as many?

transitive verb. : to make four times as great or as many. intransitive verb. : to become four times as great or as numerous. quadruple. noun.

What is the difference between ‘as much as’ and ‘more than’?

If B is three times as much as A, then B is two times more than A — not three times more than A. The essential feature is the difference is between ‘as much as’ and ‘more than’. ‘As much as’ indicates a ratio; ‘more than’ indicates a difference. ‘More than’ means ‘added to the base’.

What is the difference between ‘three times more’ and ‘more than’?

If the mother has x dollars, “three times more than x” means 3x + x — “more than” means “add”. “Three times as much” means 3x. I think it is worth mentioning that native speakers of English often use/misuse the two terms interchangeably (to mean what bc tan described in #2 above).

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What does more than mean in Math Add or subtract?

What does more than mean in math add or subtract? Addition – sum, altogether, all, in all, together, total, total number, add, increase, increased by, more than. Subtraction -minus, greater than, take away, fewer than, less than, subtract, decreased by. Multiplication-product, multiply, multiplied by, times.