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What did Rousseau say about arts and science?

What did Rousseau say about arts and science?

They harm a virtuous political order, but for a society that is already corrupt, it is only the arts and sciences that can ameliorate the effects of corruption for those few who have “not yet become bad.” Finally, Rousseau emphasizes that science as such is not bad.

What did Rousseau say about violence?

In the 1700s, Jean-Jacques Rousseau saw things differently. Enthralled with accounts of the New World, he argued that civilization, not nature, shaped the human propensity for violence.

What was Rousseau’s famous quote?

“People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.” “I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.” “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”

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Can you be proud of your history?

no, you can be proud of your history, as long as you are not proud of some ofthe terrible things all our ancestors have done. No one is safe from having bad ancestors.

How to make your ancestors proud of You?

Therefore, try to be the greatest you can be, to make your ancestors proud, and to give a good example to your children or the children of others of your clan and tribe. Do something for your people, something good, that lasts beyond your own physical life. That will make your ancestors proud and fill your heart with joy and pride in yourself.

How do Your Ancestors influence your life?

Your ancestors can be a source of inspiration, help and protection or a source of trouble, chaos and obstruction in your life — it’s all up to you! Most people have no idea how powerful the hidden influence of their ancestors is on the life they are living.

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Why is it so important to keep our ancestral connection alive?

That is why it is so important to keep our ancestral connection alive and strong. Because through our ancestors we can connect to the highest spiritual knowledge and higher consciousness. We can even rediscover much of our spiritual heritage that was lost in the Burning Times, through connecting with our ancestors.
