
Can I wear my retainer if it doesnt fit all the way?

Can I wear my retainer if it doesnt fit all the way?

Should I Wear My Retainer if It Doesn’t Fit? If you have to force your retainer to fit, you shouldn’t wear it: forcing a retainer that doesn’t fit could damage your teeth or the retainer.

Can my old retainer fix my shifted teeth I hardly wear it but it fits?

It’s very unlikely to fit, and it could become stuck, cause pain, and even potentially damage your teeth and tissues. Instead, schedule an appointment with your orthodontist and take your old retainer with you. They may be able to adjust the retainer you have, or you may need a new one altogether.

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Can I wear my retainer after not wearing it for a year?

If you decide to finally wear your retainer after a year of neglect and you can still fit it over your teeth, you are incredibly lucky! Best case scenario is that you’ll be able to fit the retainer on – even if it’s a bit tight.

Should you leave your retainer on all night?

Even if your orthodontist detects no tooth movement following the time you wear your retainer, they might recommend keeping your retainer on only during the night for further assurance your straightened teeth are stable. This could be for a few months or years more – or, depending on your teeth, indefinitely.

What happens if you don’t wear a retainer after braces?

By not wearing a retainer after braces, you could potentially undo all the beautiful work your braces put into correcting your dental issues. Not to mention that you’ll have wasted all the time and costs that went into your braces. So, a retainer’s an essential part of teeth straightening and alignment.

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What is a retainer and why do I need one?

So, a retainer’s an essential part of teeth straightening and alignment. Depending on your dental situation, you might receive a removable and a fixed retainer. Or your orthodontist might recommend both – one on your upper teeth and the other on your bottom teeth.

Why are my teeth shifting when I wear a retainer?

Teeth will tend to shift if they aren’t held in place. If a broken permanent retainer is not repaired after a few weeks – or several months – it is likely that you will see some shifting of your teeth. Those with a removable retainer that they wear over top of their teeth as a permanent retainer backup will not see much, if any, tooth shifting.