
Can cats get fleas if they are indoor cats?

Can cats get fleas if they are indoor cats?

Yes, your indoor-only cat does have fleas, and here’s how. It can happen from simply being outdoors, being around other animals, or around any other person who has animals at home (even if they do not have an active flea infestation).

Can an indoor only cat get fleas?

Indoor cats can get fleas (and other pests, such as ticks) just like outdoor cats can. A home is not a sealed environment – people come and go, doors and windows open and close. Even window screens are not complete guarantees. Despite our best efforts, fleas can still enter the home, and thus, onto your cats.

Do I need to give my cat flea medicine in the winter?

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Yes! Keep your pets on flea and tick protection all year round! It is common today to hear people say “I don’t give my pet flea and tick prevention in the winter there is no need, since it is so cold”. Fleas can survive outdoors in temperatures as low as 33 degrees for as long as five days.

Is revolution necessary for indoor cats?

Fleas and mites are microscopic in their larvae stage and you can unknowingly carry them in on your clothes or shoes. For this reason, some vets say it is a good idea to give a cat Frontline (which kills ticks) or Revolution (which kills mites) to indoor-only cats for prevention purposes.

How can I tell if my indoor cat has fleas?

How to Tell if Your Cat Has Fleas

  1. Intense and Frantic Scratching or Biting.
  2. Excessive Grooming and Hair Loss.
  3. Avoiding Certain Parts of Your Home.
  4. Agitation, Edginess and Restlessness.
  5. Red Skin Lesions or Scab-Like Bumps.
  6. Muscle Loss, Pale Gums and Lethargy.
  7. Tiny Pepper-Like Specks on Your Cat’s Fur.
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Are flea meds necessary in winter?

Is tick and flea medication necessary in the winter? Yes. Though many species of ticks and fleas are slowed down or dormant during the winter, certain areas of the United States are not cold enough to truly kill these parasites and stop their activity.

Does my indoor cat need frontline?

Every cat, indoors or outdoors, MUST be protected against fleas! Fleas enter the home via hosts such as dogs, YOU, or inanimate objects that are brought inside from outside (such as shopping). They need to be treated once a month.

What is the best flea treatment for indoor cats?

Different types of flea control products for cats include topical solutions, collars, sprays, tablets, and oral solutions. Oral flea medications. Oral flea medications work from the inside out and should be given to your cat monthly for the best flea control. Comfortis is an effective oral flea treatment for cats.

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Why does my indoor cat have fleas?

Many people think that because they have an indoor-only cat, fleas are an impossibility. They would be wrong. Although an outdoor cat is more likely than an indoor cat to be infested with fleas (as well as ticks and intestinal worms), an indoor cat can, in fact, attract these parasites.

Can indoor cat get fleas?

Yes, it is possible for indoor cats to get fleas. Unfortunately, fleas are highly adept at finding new animals to infest and that includes cats who are kept indoors. Fleas are everywhere, not just on the outdoor tom who roams the neighbourhood. They are determined to find a new host to infest.