
Do we still use flak cannons?

Do we still use flak cannons?

As “Flak” existed in the twentieth century, no, however, a modern equivalent of the radar guided air defense gun is deployed widely by all major militaries.

Are AA guns obsolete?

Are anti aircraft guns obsolete in modern warfare? – Quora. No not in the least, though most are radar guided and automated rather then using optical sights. Anti-aircraft guns are very effective against drones, helicopters and low flying jets engaged in close ground support missions.

How effective is anti aircraft fire?

Bottom line, anti-aircraft fire was effective, but not overwhelmingly so in most cases. Effective, if grossly inefficient. Many bomber missions had casualties in the 10–20\% mark. Of course, it required literally tens of thousands of shells to destroy a single bomber.

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What was the best anti aircraft gun ww2?

Flak 37
FHCAM – 88 mm Flak 37 Anti-Aircraft Gun. The “88” was the most famous and feared artillery weapon of World War II.

Why is it called flak?

Protective vests called flak jackets were first used in World War II; the word “flak” comes from the abbreviated form of the German word Flugabwehrkanone, a type of antiaircraft gun. The original flak jackets were nothing more than nylon vests with steel plates sewn inside.

How effective was flak in ww2?

“Flak in the Second World War was very effective. Most of the official Allied histories downplayed its role. Low and medium level flak was even more effective. More American 8th Air Force aces were shot down by flak than enemy fighters.”

Was ww2 flak effective?

What is the best AA gun?

  • Top 10 Best Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Guns In The World.
  • 1: PGZ – 95 ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 2: GEPARD ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 3: SIDAM 25 ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 4: TYPE 87 ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 5: MARKSMAN ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 6: LOARA ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
  • 7: 296 TUNGUSKA ( Anti-Aircraft Gun )
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Can you own a flak gun?

One-Handed Flail The flail is a medieval weapon that’s instantly familiar. Though the days of peasant armies wielding them may be over, these archaic weapons are still legal in parts of the U.S., although not in the states of New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts or Pennsylvania.

How effective was flak in WW2?

“Flak in the Second World War was very effective. Most of the official Allied histories downplayed its role. Many postwar histories accepted the testimony of leading figures within the Luftwaffe that ground based AA defences achieved limited success in destroying Allied bombers.

How effective are anti aircraft guns against Today’s aircraft?

In general , AA guns are deadly against aircraft flying below 3000 m and their effectiveness is enhanced if multiple AA guns are linked by a network of radars and optronic sensors. Originally Answered: How effective are anti aircraft guns against today’s aircraft?

What was the first US anti-aircraft cannon?

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The first US anti-aircraft cannon was a 1-pounder concept design by Admiral Twining in 1911 to meet the perceived threat of airships, that eventually was used as the basis for the US Navy’s first operational anti-aircraft cannon: the 3″/23 caliber gun.

How effective were the Allied AA defenses in WW2?

Their light and medium flak over the battlefield was also highly effective and took a great toll on Allied fighter bombers. Allied AA defenses were also effective, one example being the battles against the V-1 flying bombs and the fact that they chose to defend Antwerp against the V-1 using AA guns along is testament to their effectiveness.