
Can AA guns be used against infantry?

Can AA guns be used against infantry?

First, about the usage of AA weapons against infantry, a short section taken from quora.com : In fact, they are used, occasionally. There is footage of both the Assad regime and various Syrian rebel groups using Soviet-manufactured ZSU-23-4 Shilkas, as well as ZPTU-4 light AA weapons against each other’s ground forces.

What was the best AA gun of WW2?

FHCAM – 88 mm Flak 37 Anti-Aircraft Gun. The “88” was the most famous and feared artillery weapon of World War II.

Why was the Flak 88 so good?

The 88 earned its reputation as the best overall gun of the war. It was justifiably feared by Allied airmen, tankers, and foot soldiers because of its accuracy, lethality, and versatility. The weapon was deployed on German tanks, as an antitank gun, an assault gun, and for antiaircraft purposes.

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Why didn’t the Allies copy the 88?

The US developed its own 88 with the 90 AAA gun. The reason it wasn’t used in the Anti Tank role as much as the 88 was because the US Army was on the offensive most the time. The Battle of The Bulge the US was forced on defense it did not hesitate to put the 90’s on the battle line and employ them just like the 88.

Are anti aircraft guns still used?

To start with, we don’t use anti aircraft “guns” anymore. When it comes to aircraft we will either use an appropriate aircraft to intercept, or we will fire ballistic missiles to take it down.

Can a flak cannon destroy a tank?

Under certain circumstances (a shot to the rear from a really close range, for example) yes, a modern tank can be destroyed, or rendered combat-incapable by an 88mm gun, but the chance of this happening is pretty slim.

Why are British tanks so bad?

There were things that hampered British tank design and production. Transportation. Tanks had to fit through railway tunnels (which there were a lot of in the UK). This limited external dimensions, and by implication turret size and turret ring (which dictated how large a gun can be fitted).

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Why were British tanks so bad in WW2?

Some were rushed into service too quickly and proved notoriously unreliable. Others spent too long in development, or only achieved a degree of usefulness after numerous modifications. Most lacked the armour to resist enemy anti-tank weapons, and nearly all were under-gunned.

Do tanks have anti aircraft?

In most cases, MANPADS are carried in their protective cases when not in used/deployed. Tanks rarely travel alone, in today’s world of modern warfare any battle will consist of combined arms. Tanks are always going to have some sort of Anti-Air defense near them be it: MANPADS, SAMS, or friendly air units.

What is the strongest bullet in the world?

.700 Nitro Express
Bullet diameter .700 in (17.8 mm)
Neck diameter .730 in (18.5 mm)
Base diameter .780 in (19.8 mm)
Rim diameter .890 in (22.6 mm)

What is an 88mm flak gun?

A German artillery crew relaxes next to their 88 mm gun. The famous flak gun became one of the most feared anti-tank weapons of the Second World War, serving everywhere from the sands of North Africa to the snowy wastelands of the Russian front.

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Did German 88s really shoot down a British tank in 1941?

In fact, none of the Matildas destroyed in June 1941 troubled the gunners of the German 88s. Cyril Joly in his excellent book Take These Men described the impact of an 88mm round on a British tank: “As I spoke I saw the flame and smoke from the German’s gun.

Was the German 88 the best anti-tank gun in WW2?

It’s possible to argue that later anti-tank guns, like the Sherman Firefly’s 17-pounder or the Soviet 100 mm Model 1944, were technically as good or even better than the German 88. Certainly, the Nazis themselves would later develop an even more effective anti-tank weapon, the PAK 43.

What guns did the Afrika Korps use in WW2?

Unfortunately for British tank crews, the Afrika Korps was now using the Flak 18 88 mm anti-aircraft gun in an anti-tank role. As Operation Battleaxe kicked off on June 15, 1941, Matildas advancing towards the Halfaya Pass were cut down with surgical precision by just five German 88s.