
How accurate were ww2 anti aircraft guns?

How accurate were ww2 anti aircraft guns?

during WWII. These put the VT proximity fused shells right on target. It has been estimated that gun batteries using this system destroyed 50\% of aircraft engaged.

Why did the Germans choose 88mm?

The German Kriegsmarine had adopted the gun largely because a round of 88mm ammunition was considered the largest and heaviest (about 34 pounds) that a single man could handle. The World War I model could fire a 9.6 kilogram high-explosive to a height of 6,850 meters, with a maximum range of 10,800 meters.

How effective was German flak in WW2?

At the same time the official RAF history of the air war estimated that German flak accounted for 37 percent of Bomber Command’s losses between July 1942 and April 1945. Low and medium level flak was even more effective. More American 8 th Air Force aces were shot down by flak than enemy fighters.”

What is flak and how does it work?

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Flak basically worked as a giant explosive that was fired up into the air, where the detonating and shrapnel would damage/take out the aircraft. There were multiple different kinds of flak rounds used during the war, all having varying degrees of effectiveness. FLAK is the acronym of (German) Flieger-Abwehr-Kanone = Aviation Defence Gun.

What was the Flak 36 used for in WW2?

The Flak 36 guns were briefly issued in late 1944 to the American Seventh Army as captured weapons. The 79th Field Artillery Battalion (Provisional) was formed from personnel of the 79th and 179th Field Artillery Groups to fire captured German artillery pieces at the height of an ammunition shortage.

Why was the flak so effective against tanks?

The 8.8 cm Flak performed well in its original role of an anti-aircraft gun and it proved to be a superb anti-tank gun as well. Its success was due to its versatility: the standard anti-aircraft platform allowed gunners to depress the muzzle below the horizontal, unlike most of its contemporaries.