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Why does one strand of DNA replication as a continuous strand and the other in fragments?

Why does one strand of DNA replication as a continuous strand and the other in fragments?

This strand is made continuously, because the DNA polymerase is moving in the same direction as the replication fork. This continuously synthesized strand is called the leading strand. The other new strand, which runs 5′ to 3′ away from the fork, is trickier.

Why is it necessary that Okazaki fragments are synthesized during DNA replication?

Okazaki fragments are small sections of DNA that are formed during discontinuous synthesis of the lagging strand during DNA replication. They are important because they allow for both daughter strands to be synthesized, which are necessary for cell division.

Why is DNA synthesis continuous on one strand and discontinuous on the opposite strand?

On the lower leading strand, synthesis is continuous because extension of a single RNA primer occurs without interruption into the replication fork as it continues to open to the right. In fact, DNA synthesis occurs as a single process involving a dimeric polymerase molecule situated at the RF.

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Why is there a need to produce Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand?

The production of Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand during replication of DNA is necessary because the new strand synthesis happens in the direction of 3′ to 5′ direction. Therefore, the continuous synthesis of new strands takes place.

Why must DNA be replicated continuously as well as discontinuous?

During DNA replication, an enzyme breaks open the helix and DNA polymerase copies each strand. The polymerase can only copy DNA in the 5′ to 3′ direction. This means that it can continuously replicate the leading strand as it moves from the initial point of separation along the strand.

Why is DNA replication called as both continuous and discontinuous?

Once the fragments are made, DNA ligase connects them into a single, continuous strand. The entire replication process is considered “semi-discontinuous” since one of the new strands is formed continuously and the other is not.

Why is DNA replication continuous and discontinuous in a replication fork?

Explanation: In DNA one strand is in 5′ to 3′ direction and another strand is in 3′ to 5′ direction. The DNA polymerase synthesize the new strand in 5′ to 3′ direction so one strand is synthesized continuously and other discontinuously.

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Why DNA replication is both continuous and discontinuous?

Replication can only take place in the forward direction of each strand. As a result, one strand is copied continuously in the forward direction while the other is copied discontinuously in segments that are later joined.

Why DNA replication is continuous as well as discontinuous?

Why are Okazaki fragments important?

Therefore, efficient processing of Okazaki fragments is vital for DNA replication and cell proliferation. During this process, primase-synthesized RNA/DNA primers are removed, and Okazaki fragments are joined into an intact lagging strand DNA.

What is the reason for continuous and discontinuous replication of the two standard of a DNA molecule?

DNA polymerase. The property that is responsible for continuous and discontinuous replication of the two strands of DNA molecule is that the enzyme catalyzes the polymerization of nucleotides in the 5′ to 3′ direction.

What is the function of Okazaki fragments in DNA replication?

The okazaki fragments formed during replication enables the replication of the 3’ 5’ (lagging strand). They are short sequences of DNA nucleotides newly synthesize on the lagging strand. It acts as the building block for the synthesis of DNA in the lagging strand. The Rock reveals the best success hack everybody needs to try.

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Why are Okazaki fragments formed during lagging template strand?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for DNA replication. It only synthesizes DNA in the 5’ to 3’ direction. However, since the double-stranded DNA is antiparallel, DNA synthesis should occur in both directions. Therefore, Okazaki fragments are formed during the synthesis of lagging template strand.

What direction does DNA replication occur on the lagging strand?

As polymerase molecule only works in the parallel direction, DNA replication on this strand can only occur in segments, away from the replication fork. Chunks of the antiparallel lagging strand, called Okazaki fragments, are replicated in the 5′-to-3′ prime direction, moving back toward the replication fork.

What is the sequence of DNA replication?

Continuous DNA Replication. When the parent DNA strands split at the start of replication, the double helix separates beginning at an internal point (the replication origin). One parent strand is oriented in a 5′-to-3′ direction, and the other strand oriented in a mirror configuration, from the 3′-to-5′ direction.