Can you change the shape of a magnetic field?

Can you change the shape of a magnetic field?

Easy answer is ‘yes’. Take a long solenoid with small diameter and deform it as you wish. The magnetic field directed along its original symmetry axis will follow the shape changes.

Can a magnetic field be created?

A magnetic field can be created by running electricity through a wire. All magnetic fields are created by moving charged particles. Even the magnet on your fridge is magnetic because it contains electrons that are constantly moving around inside.

Can we create uniform magnetic field?

A uniform magnetic field can be made by making a relatively long cylindrical coil. Once current is flowing through the coil a uniform magnetic field will exist all along the inside of the coil. Helmholtz coils can be bought for the very reason of supplying a uniform magnetic field.

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Can an electric current create a magnetic field?

The spinning and orbiting of the nucleus of an atom produces a magnetic field as does electrical current flowing through a wire. The strength of this field is called the magnetic moment. The motion of an electric charge producing a magnetic field is an essential concept in understanding magnetism.

How do you create an alternating magnetic field?

To generate alternating magnetic field, a waveform amplifier is needed to drive the resonant circuit as shown in Figure 2. The function generator produces a sinewave. The sinewave is amplifier by a driver amplifier such as the TS200 or the TS250. It can amplify the function generator voltage or current or both.

Do batteries create magnetic fields?

When you connect the wire to the battery, electrons begin to flow in the same direction through the wire, and this generates a magnetic field around the wire. This activity demonstrates that electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same phenomenon, called ‘electromagnetism’.

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How can a permanent magnet produce a uniform magnetic field?

A uniform magnetic field can be created by taking the opposite poles of two magnets and holding them close together.

Can magnetic fields bend light?

Although a magnetic field doesn’t affect the photons of light directly, a magnet can distort the medium through which light passes and thereby “bend” the light rays. Light travels through space-time along a geodesic – the shortest possible path between two points on a curved surface.

How do you create a magnetic field?

You can create magnetic fields by simply finding magnetic materials in the ground and moving them where you want them, or by running electricity through a wire: moving charges create magnetic fields, and electric wires contain moving charges.

What is a magnetic field?

Magnetic field: 1) A moving charge or current creates a magnetic field in the surrounding space (in addition to E). 2) The magnetic field exerts a force F m on any other moving charge or current present in that field. – The magnetic field is a vector field vector quantity associated with each point in space.

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How does a magnet interact with a moving charge?

Magnetic Field. Interaction of magnetic force and charge – The moving charge interacts with the fixed magnet. The force between them is at a maximum when the velocity of the charge is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

What is the direction of the magnetic field at a point?

The magnetic field at a point is in the direction of the force a north pole of a magnet would experience if it were placed there. In other words, the north pole of a compass points in the direction of the magnetic field.