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What are examples of character flaws?

What are examples of character flaws?

Other Common Character Flaw Examples aversion – avoidance of certain fears like spiders or snakes. cowardice – timid, afraid to face danger. disturbed – having a mental illness, being delusional or neurotic. dishonest – a liar; compulsive liar or lies in an important situation.

What is a flaw in a person’s character?

According to Oxford English Dictionaries, a character flaw is ‘a fault or weakness in a person’s character’. A character flaw can be defined more fully as an undesirable quality in a person. It is an imperfection, limitation, deficiency, phobia, or a problem that affects the way others perceive us.

What are some good flaws to have?

Examples of Good Flaws to Have

  • Feeling nervous when talking in front of a group of people.
  • Not being very artistic.
  • Being too direct or too honest when giving feedback.
  • Having trouble maintaining a work/life balance.
  • Taking a bit longer than others to learn a new computer program.
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How do you identify character flaws?

Common Sense Ethics

  1. 5 Insightful Ways to Identify and Change Your Character Flaws. 11/5/2016.
  2. Look at Yourself From Your Enemy’s Perspective.
  3. Keep a Personal Journal.
  4. Examine What Keeps Coming Up in Your Evening Review.
  5. Observe Your Projections.
  6. Do a Self-Assessment.

What are moral flaws?

A moral weakness is a character flaw that actively and negatively affects those around the character. In other words, a character’s moral weakness must negatively impact the character’s relationships.

What is your biggest flaw mean?

a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or made, or that causes something not to be perfect: I returned the material because it had a flaw in it. There’s a fatal flaw in your reasoning. This report is full of flaws. a character flaw.

What is the opposite of character flaw?

Opposite of limitation, imperfection, problem, phobia, or deficiency. virtue. advantage. asset. benefit.

What are flaws in a girl?

15 Little ‘Flaws’ The Woman You Love And Call Perfect Should Have

  • She cares about you too much.
  • She takes too long to get ready.
  • She has a knack for pointing out your flaws.
  • She does things completely out of the blue — just for you.
  • She spends way too much time picking out the perfect gift for you for every occasion.
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What are different weaknesses?

List of Weaknesses

  • Not taking criticism well.
  • Impatient.
  • Lazy.
  • Easily bored.
  • Procrastinate.
  • Persistent.
  • Takes things personally.
  • Strong willed.

What is your greatest flaw?

Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview:

  1. I focus too much on the details.
  2. I have a hard time letting go of a project.
  3. I have trouble saying “no.”
  4. I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline.
  5. I could use more experience in…
  6. I sometimes lack confidence.

What are physical flaws?

20 Body Flaws That Really Aren’t

  • Cellulite. If cellulite is a flaw, then, well, most women are flawed.
  • Stretch Marks. Shutterstock.
  • Scars. Whether your scar is on your face or somewhere else on your body, it might always feel like someone is staring at it.
  • Dimples. Shutterstock.
  • Uneven Breasts.
  • Visible Veins.
  • Moles.
  • Freckles.

What are the most common flaws in a character?

Avoid “fake” flaws, flaws that don’t cause trouble for the character or make it harder to achieve their goals. This is often an issue with flaws like depression, substance abuse, and being antisocial or a loner. If you use one of these flaws, show that it has real downsides and is not being romanticized.

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Is having a bad temper a character flaw?

A bad temper isn’t a significant flaw if it never causes the character any problems. A violent temper is a real flaw or a temper that drives them to argue or make reckless decisions. Avoid “fake” flaws, flaws that don’t cause trouble for the character or make it harder to achieve their goals.

How do you write flaws in a story?

Writers should establish character flaws early, around the first ten percent of the story. This helps you connect the flaw to the main outer conflict of the story. The flaw should have a thematic connection to the outer conflict or hurt the character’s ability to accomplish their goal.

What is the difference between a minor flaw and fatal flaw?

Major flaws tend to be more like hypocrisy and envy, and a fatal flaw would be something like the propensity to self-sabotage, or extreme hubris. However, note that the outcome of a flaw depends entirely on the character’s handling of it! What functions as a minor flaw for one character could be a fatal flaw for another.