
What are the biggest flaws?

What are the biggest flaws?

Seven of My Greatest Flaws

  • Jealousy. I have struggled with jealousy as long as I can remember.
  • Desire for Approval. I seek praise and approval from others—to an unhealthy and damaging degree.
  • Lack of Self-Discipline.
  • Selfishness.
  • Guilt over Physical Possessions.
  • Lack of Empathy.
  • Protecting my Image.

What are the flaws of modern society?

Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour and infant mortality are falling faster than at any other time in human history. The risk of being caught up in a war, subjected to a dictatorship or of dying in a natural disaster is smaller than ever.

What does the biggest flaw mean?

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a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or made, or that causes something not to be perfect: I returned the material because it had a flaw in it. There’s a fatal flaw in your reasoning. This report is full of flaws. a character flaw.

What kind of flaws can humans have?

Other Common Character Flaw Examples

  • arrogance – haughty self-importance.
  • aversion – avoidance of certain fears like spiders or snakes.
  • cowardice – timid, afraid to face danger.
  • disturbed – having a mental illness, being delusional or neurotic.
  • dishonest – a liar; compulsive liar or lies in an important situation.

What are some flaws in the human body?

The top 10 design flaws in the human body

  • An unsound spine.
  • An inflexible knee.
  • A too-narrow pelvis.
  • Exposed testicles.
  • Crowded teeth.
  • Meandering arteries.
  • A backward retina.
  • A misrouted nerve. : The recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) plays a vital role in our ability to speak and swallow.

What are good flaws?

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A list of currently acceptable “good” flaws includes:

  • Alcoholism (except when it leads to violence.)
  • Drug addiction (except when it leads to violence.)
  • Tobacco use (cigars, cigarettes, and especially pipes.)
  • Sexual promiscuity (Especially for males.
  • Reverse snobbery.
  • Being too cool to socialize.
  • Being a klutz.

What is a flaw person?

No one’s perfect, so everyone is flawed in some way, but when this word describes a person it often means “weak in character.”A Shakespearian flawed hero has some flaw or foible that will ultimately be his undoing: in other words, a “fatal flaw.” Flawed comes from flaw, originally “a flake of snow,” later “a splinter,” …

What are your biggest weaknesses?

Bad Metaphors and Comparisons.

  • Confusing or Awkward Sentence Structure.
  • Imprecise and Incorrect Word Choice.
  • Lack of or Weak Transitions.
  • Redundancy and Wordiness.
  • Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments.
  • Vague,General Statements and Fluff.
  • What are some good flaws?

    There are good flaws, and there are bad flaws. A list of currently acceptable “good” flaws includes: Alcoholism (except when it leads to violence) Drug addiction (except when it leads to violence) Tobacco use (cigars and cigarettes)

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    What is your biggest shortcoming?

    Procrastinate. Consider a negative trait you know you have but that you’ve been honestly working on and then try to find…

  • Impatient. Impatience also can have some benefits. If you rush to get jobs done and don’t like to wait on others for…
  • Fear of Public Speaking. Fear of speaking in front of groups may or may not…
  • What is your biggest failure?

    The biggest failure in life is “not trying”. The very act of trying, standing up and going for your dreams makes you successful already. Success isn’t about how much money you make or how well renowned your art is. Success is personal.
