
What are Reys weaknesses?

What are Reys weaknesses?

She has no flaw or weakness, so her character isn’t one that can be connected with easily. There are almost no people alive like her, so without actually having met someone like her, it’s difficult to like Rey.

Does Rey have character flaws?

, Star Wars fan since 1977. Rey’s biggest character flaw is believing that her parents will return for her rather than accepting the fact that they abandoned her forever. Rey is a powerful character, but thinks of herself as being weak.

What is Luke Skywalker’s character flaw?

In the original trilogy, Luke Skywalker’s major flaw is that he is brash and headstrong, traits which, in Episode IV, are part of what propels him along the path to becoming the hero of the Rebellion.

What are Rey’s character traits?

Personality… stubborn, headstrong, and loyal. Rey has a very strong sense of right and wrong, ready to help her friends with her generous spirit and to battle against the sinister First Order. Rey is scrappy and strong; she’s adept at fighting for herself.

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What is a Star Wars Mary Sue?

The major criticism of Rey as the hero is that fans know her as a ‘Mary Sue’. Meaning she’s a character with strength and power that isn’t justified. A ‘Mary Sue’ by definition is a character who possesses no major flaws. Lacking in realism, they are characters who are virtually flawless therefore never suffer.

Was Rey a Mary Sue?

Rey is a Mary Sue because she never fails in her ability to do difficult things. Despite being a novice, she becomes proficient at everything she attempts within minutes. However, Rey’s characterization isn’t about women being equal to men (which they are). As a Mary Sue, Rey is not limited by her lack of experience.

Is Rey a weak Jedi?

In-universe, Rey is considered very strong with the force. She is a wild talent with basically no training (waving a sword in front of a rock is not really sword training,) but she seems to be naturally connected to the Force and to the Skywalker family.

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Why do they call Rey Mary Sue?

Rey is a Mary Sue because she never fails in her ability to do difficult things. Despite being a novice, she becomes proficient at everything she attempts within minutes. However, Rey’s characterization isn’t about women being equal to men (which they are).

How would you describe Anakin Skywalker?

He’s a strong feeler, and his feelings are too intense for him to deny or ignore the way Jedi typically do. They drive his actions, and he has a hard time resisting them in any situation. Attachment is strong for Anakin, and that leads him down the path of the dark side.

What is Rey’s full name?

Rey Skywalker
She also appears in the film’s sequels, The Last Jedi (2017) and The Rise of Skywalker (2019), and related Star Wars media. Rey is introduced as a scavenger who was left behind on the planet Jakku when she was a child….Rey (Star Wars)

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Full name Rey
Alias Rey Skywalker (adopted name)
Species Human
Gender Female