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Why does Professor Zoom hate Flash so much?

Why does Professor Zoom hate Flash so much?

The Rise of Professor Zoom The police department and his fellow crooks knew him as the Professor due to his scientific leanings. The Flash remained one of his favorite characters of history, but now he hated him because the hero stood for law and justice and he stood for the reverse.

Why is Zoom Black in the Flash?

In Barry’s (Grant Gustin) bid to prevent Zoom (Teddy Sears) from destroying the multi-verse, the scarlet speedster created a time remnant of himself, which had the bonus of attracting Time Wraiths, who appeared to transform Zoom into the Black Flash.

How does the flash take down Zoom?

The Flash defeats Zoom. Zoom requires Barry’s speed along with his own to accomplish this. To accomplish destroying the Multiverse, Zoom persuades the Flash into a race with him, for the effect of the device he’s put together to work. Eventually Zoom persuades Barry Allen into the race, and the two speed off.

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Why does Zoom want Flash’s speed?

When he recounted this to the team, they were able to piece together that the blue lightning is a side effect of V-9 usage, which means Zoom has been using it as a speed enhancer. However, V-9 causes cell degeneration, and that means Zoom is dying — which would explain why he needs Barry’s speed.

Does Thawne become good?

Eobard Thawne is always out for what is best for him. Whenever it means getting back to the future or getting rid of the Black Flash, he will do anything to achieve his goals. That means that he can appear good and bad depending upon the circumstance.

How old is savitar?

Chronologically Savitar is a time remnant created around 2020/2021 when Barry would around his early 30s. His appearance can largely be explained by an actor (who is already arguably Older Than They Look) playing an older version of himself.

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How does Barry defeat savitar?

Barry, self-assured he’ll never embrace darkness, defeats Savitar while Iris straight up kills him with a bullet to his back. But the less said about murdering her fiance’s time remnant the better. In the end, there’s no rest of The Flash. While Savitar is gone, the Speed Force is unstable without a speedster prisoner.

Who is Zoom on ‘the Flash’?

On this season of The Flash, the show has twisted a very intriguing — and very confusing — mystery around the identity of Barry Allen’s newest big bad, Zoom. First the evil speedster was revealed to be Jay Garrick, then Jay Garrick was revealed to be Hunter Zolomon, who just so happens to look exactly like Jay Garrick?

What happened to zoom in the Speed Force?

After he was defeated by The Flash, the Time Wraiths imprisoned him within the Speed Force, and, as punishment for his actions, the Speed Force ironically reincarnated Zoom into the guardian of the Speed Force’s rules; the feral Black Flash . He was portrayed by Teddy Sears.

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Is Zoom the most evil villain in the Flash?

Zoom is arguably the most evil and darkest villain in The Flash as he beats every other villain in the show in means of cruelty, even more so than other villainous speedsters and fellow Pure Evil main antagonist Clifford DeVoe . Zoom was the second evil speedster to appear in the show.

Is Hunter Zolomon Jay Garrick on the Flash?

First the evil speedster was revealed to be Jay Garrick, then Jay Garrick was revealed to be Hunter Zolomon, who just so happens to look exactly like Jay Garrick? It’s a bit of a head-scratcher, so I’m going to break down the mystery of Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon on The Flash .