What does VV mean in Bible references?

What does VV mean in Bible references?

Other definitions for vv. vice versa.

What is CF stand for in the Bible?

The abbreviation cf. (short for the Latin: confer/conferatur, both meaning ‘compare’) is used in writing to refer the reader to other material to make a comparison with the topic being discussed.

What does AB stand for in the Bible?

Judaism. The Aramaic term abba (אבא, Hebrew: אב‎ (ab), “father”) appears in traditional Jewish liturgy and Jewish prayers to God, e.g. in the Kaddish (קדיש, Qaddish Aramaic, Hebrew: קדש‎ (Qādash), “holy”).

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What does FF mean in a Bible reference?

abbreviation “and following” (pages, etc) abbreviation This is short for ” folios following,” which according to common usage can include pages, paragraphs, Bible verses, or other written material. When reading aloud, say, “and following.”

What book of the Bible is PSS?

This page lists abbreviations for books of the Bible that are recognized by Verbum….Bible Book Abbreviations.

Book Name Abbreviations
Psalms Psalm, Pslm, Ps, Psa, Psm, Pss
Proverbs Prov, Pro, Pr, Prv
Ecclesiastes Eccles, Eccle, Ecc, Ec, Qoh

What is CH in the Bible?

2 Kings – 2 Kings/2 Kgs./2 Kin./2 Ki. 1 Chronicles – 1 Chr/1 Chr./1 Ch.

What is the CF version of the Bible?

Geneva Bible
Abbreviation GEN
NT published 1557
Complete Bible published 1560
Textual basis Textus Receptus

What does Adonai mean?

My Lord
At the same time, the divine name was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered; it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lord”), which was translated as Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures.

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What does and F after a verse mean?

The “and following” sense is short for “folios following” (though if read aloud, it should be read as “and following”). The “folios” that follow can be pages, paragraphs, Bible verses, or other sections of written material.

Where did Joseph’s brothers throw?

(Genesis 37:1–11) They saw their chance when they were feeding the flocks, the brothers saw Joseph from afar and plotted to kill him. They turned on him and stripped him of the coat his father made for him, and threw him into a pit.

What are the 5 sections of the Book of Psalms?

The book of Psalms is organized into five major sections, called books: 1 Psalms 1-41 (Book 1). 2 Psalms 42-72 (Book 2). 3 Psalms 73-89 (Book 3). 4 Psalms 90-106 (Book 4). 5 Psalms 107-150 (Book 5).

What is the meaning of Psalms in the Bible?

The root meaning of the word psalm in Hebrew is “a song … especially a hymn, a song of praise” (Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon). It can refer to instrumental music and to singing to musical accompaniment. In one sense, the book of Psalms was like a hymnal for God’s temple services.

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How can I understand the message of a particular psalm?

The key to fully understanding the message of a particular psalm is to make sure we read the entire section or psalm. The Psalms tend to place thoughts, concepts and ideas concerning doctrine together. There are several different categories of psalms in the book of Psalms.

Is the Book of Psalms a hymnal?

The Book of Psalms, while it is many things, is a hymnal. The various titles of the Book of Psalms are one indication of the role of the book as a hymnal. In the Hebrew Bible the title of the Psalms is Tehillim, which means “songs of praise.” 30 In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint,…