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Did RSS support Adolf Hitler?

Did RSS support Adolf Hitler?

Before World War II, the RSS leaders admired Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Golwalkar allegedly took inspiration from Adolf Hitler’s ideology of racial purity. However, the RSS’s stance changed during the war; the organization firmly supported the British war effort against Hitler and the Axis Powers.

How tall is Mussolini?

5′ 7″
Benito Mussolini/Height

How tall is Vladimir Lenin?

5′ 5″
Vladimir Lenin/Height

Who was RSS chief before Mohan Bhagwat?

List of Sarsanghchalaks

No. Name Term
3 Madhukar Dattatraya Deoras 1973–1994
4 Rajendra Singh 1994–2000
5 K. S. Sudarshan 2000–2009
6 Mohan Bhagwat 21 March 2009–Incumbent

Was the RSS founded on the same models of Fascist Europe?

Yes RSS was founded on the same models of fascist Europe. The context ,culture and history are different. Both build up a view of the world based on mythology e.g super race for Hitler and the RSS the superiority of Hinduism as expressed by Hinduvatha. Both these positions are mythologies that pervert national identity.

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What was the RSS’s stance on Jews during World War II?

During World War II, the RSS leaders openly admired Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Golwalkar took inspiration from Adolf Hitler’s ideology of racial purity. This did not imply any antipathy towards Jews. The RSS leaders were supportive of the formation of Jewish State of Israel.

What were Mussolini’s views on race?

Mussolini, like Hitler, considered white Europeans to be the architects of civilisation and culture – but his views on race did not extend to hateful anti-Semitism or eugenics. Mussolini was an Italian nationalist who often harked back to the glory and triumphs of ancient Rome. He was therefore scornful of Hitler’s rants about Aryan supremacy.

What would happen if RSS got the chance of the SS?

If the RSS get the chance that SS got in Germany. Then RSS would slaughter all Indian Muslims. RSS has same ideology what was of SS. RSS members are well trained mercenaries. Some special soldiers of RSS can make the navy sEALs look like cats.