
Who is the villain of the novel?

Who is the villain of the novel?

A villain is the antagonist of your story whose motivations and actions oppose the protagonist and drive the plot of your story. A villain is the opposite of a hero. In contrast to the hero, a villain is usually compelled by a desire to commit acts of cruelty and immorality.

Who is the best villain in literature?

The 40 Greatest Villains Of Literature

  • Satan (Paradise Lost)
  • Iago (Othello)
  • Alec D’Urberville (Tess of the D’Urbervilles)
  • Svidrigailov (Crime and Punishment)
  • Professor Moriarty (The Final Problem)
  • The White Witch (The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe)
  • Long John Silver (Treasure Island)

How do you make a likeable villain?

Six Ways to Make Your Villain Likable

  1. Make Them Cool and Competent. It’s hard to hate a villain with style.
  2. Help Your Audience Understand Them.
  3. Bestow Them With Moral Strengths.
  4. Create a Tragic Backstory.
  5. Give Them Justifiable Motivation.
  6. Make Them an Underdog.
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How do you make a villain you love to hate?

# 3 Tips How to Write Villains You Love to Hate: Make your villain deplorable. Make the acts of the villain heinous. Write their acts so awful that as your reader finds out their jaw literally drops. These acts should turn your readers’ stomachs.

Who is the best villain in fiction?

1. Darth Vader. And so we come to the villain you voted as the best of all time. Darth Vader often appears at the top of these lists, as the character has had more of a lasting impact than the blast that took out Alderaan.

Is an antihero a villain?

What Is the Difference Between Anti-Villain and Anti-Hero? While an anti-villain might be a villain with some redeeming features, an anti-hero is a heroic character without the conventional charms. They might do the right thing, but mostly out of self-interest.

How do you write a villain in pure evil?

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The Pure Evil Villain must have a clear moral agency. They must know what is right and wrong but choose to do what is wrong and stay evil. In many cases such as a villain being mentally insane, possessed/brainwashed, or just does not know what is right from wrong, then the villain cannot qualify.

How do you write a villain that hates you?

Tips How to write a villain Readers Truly Hate:

  1. Write them abusing the weak and the helpless. Your reader will hate them instantly.
  2. Make their motivation power, greed, and wealth.
  3. Your villain should be irrational. People around them should try to tell them how wrong they are.