
How much force would it take to destroy a mountain?

How much force would it take to destroy a mountain?

To destroy it: Fragmentation (8 J/cc) = 3.345e18 Joules, Mountain level+ Violent Fragmentation (69 J/cc) = 2.885e19 Joules, Island level. Pulverization (214 J/cc) = 8.947e19 Joules, Island level.

Can you blow up mountains?

Absolutely. All mountains, in fact, will eventually wind up being destroyed. When the forces that caused them to be uplifted come to an end, it allows the forces of erosion – wind and water – to begin chipping away at the mountain, reducing it slowly but surely.

Can you blow up Mount Everest?

Everest is shared by Nepal and China. Nepal doesn’t have a nuclear bomb, so it cannot drop something it doesn’t have. Mt. Everest is the tallest place on Earth , and an immense source of pride for the Chinese.

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Can a mountain be destroyed?

Young mountains have steep slopes and high, pointed peaks. Old mountains have been eroded and are lower and more rounded. Mountains and mountain belts exist because tectonic processes have created and maintained high elevations in the face of erosion, which works to destroy them.

How much force does it take to destroy a building?

This means you’d need 110 billion newtons per square meter of area to break through the wall. I’m assuming you’d want a 1 meter by 2 meter hole to be able to fit through, so that works out to 220 billion newtons of total force.

How much TNT would it take to blow up a mountain?

Mt. Everest has a volume of about 1.5 million million cubic meters, and a cubic meter of soil weighs about 1.5 tonnes, so a soil Everest should weigh a little over 2 million million tonnes. So we should need at least 20 000 million tonnes of TNT for the job.

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How many tons does Mount Everest weigh?

A cubic foot of granite weighs about 170 lbs/ft^3, so the weight of our model mountain is about 530 * 10^12 lbs or 2.6 * 10^11 tons.

What can destroy a mountain?

Old mountains have been eroded and are lower and more rounded. Mountains and mountain belts exist because tectonic processes have created and maintained high elevations in the face of erosion, which works to destroy them.

How much TNT would it take to build Mount Everest?

Mt. Everest has a volume of about 1.5 million million cubic meters, and a cubic meter of soil weighs about 1.5 tonnes, so a soil Everest should weigh a little over 2 million million tonnes. So we should need at least 20 000 million tonnes of TNT for the job.

How many joules does it take to destroy a mountain?

For a minimum size of a mountain to have Large Mountain level yield at minimum via: (4.184e18 Joules) / (8 Joules/cc) = 5.230e17 cm^3, or 5.230e11 m^3 destroyed. Assuming that the mountain’s height and radius are equal, the minimum values for both radius and height should be about 7934m.

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How do you calculate the volume required for large mountain level?

Plug the above number for both radius and height for the cone volume and you get the volume required for Mountain level via vaporization. For a minimum size of a mountain to have Large Mountain level yield at minimum via: (4.184e18 Joules) / (8 Joules/cc) = 5.230e17 cm^3, or 5.230e11 m^3 destroyed.

What is the minimum volume required for mountain level via violent fragmentation?

Assuming that the mountain’s height and radius are equal, the minimum values for both radius and height should be about 1795.72m. Plug the above number for both radius and height for the cone volume and you get the volume required for Mountain level via violent fragmentation.