
Why did Divergent movies fail?

Why did Divergent movies fail?

One possible reason for its collapse is the weakness of the source material. The structure of Divergent’s fictional world was hard to understand, the plots were hard to follow, and the stakes were unclear. That made Divergent different from the YA books that have worked as movies.

Why did the divergent series do so badly?

They were too cheesy, too convoluted, and the world’s societal situation was hard to understand for would-be viewers who haven’t read the books. The characters were also so archetypal that it made the story too predictable.

Why is there no 4th Divergent movie?

A disappointing end After the diminishing returns on The Divergent Series, Lionsgate was clearly not convinced that a final film in the franchise could make up for the millions the studio had lost making the first three chapters. Soon after the TV news broke, the actors leading the film quickly abandoned ship.

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What is wrong with Divergent?

Divergent fails because it doesn’t understand how to use the YA tropes it borrows. The Hunger Games became a runaway hit and is a dystopia, so Divergent is a dystopia. Harry Potter fans love talking about which Hogwarts house they’d belong to, so Divergent gives us the faction system.

Who does Tobias Eaton end up with?

Tris eventually reconciles with Tobias, finally feeling comfortable and the two make love for the first time. The two stay together to fight against the Bureau.

Why is Divergent a banned book?

The book is full of violence, death, resisting authority, talking back to your elders, underage drinking, sex talk, and bad plotting. Tris’ death in the book wasn’t a trivial decision; it was a deliberate action on the part of Roth to complete the story in the way she felt was necessary. …

Why Divergent killed the dystopian genre?

If Divergent opened up the genre, why did the last major dystopian YA hit–The Fifth Wave–come out at the same time as Allegiant’s publication? Because Divergent oversimplified the premise of dystopia, thus killing the genre. Its initial success only led to a greater downfall.

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Does Four and Christina end up together?

To the surprise of many fans, Four and Christina fall in love. Roth ends the story with a hopeful future for the two of them with Four professing “we work, and dream. We fight, and we laugh, and we fall in love. Christina loved Tris just as Four did and they mourn her just the same.

Is 4 a Divergent?

No, Four is not divergent. In the books Four initially appears to be Divergent since he resists the mind control serum and can remain aware during simulations, but he is actually genetically damaged and therefore is not Divergent.