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Is the universe hostile to life on Earth?

Is the universe hostile to life on Earth?

Universe is not hostile to the life. It is treating life as very significant and purposeful one and hence has made this earth so congenial for life with abundant resources and protections. It is humans’ selfish and greedy actions that are becoming hostile to the very life of the earth as well as its constutent.

Can life exist elsewhere in the universe other than Earth?

Can life exist elsewhere in the universe other than our planet earth? Although hard evidence for this has not yet been found, most cosmologists tend to believe that some form of life is bound to exist somewhere in the universe.

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Are We unique in the universe?

The notion that we’re unique in the universe is what paleontologist Peter Ward and astronomer Donald Brownlee call the rare Earth hypothesis.  They argue that the presence of complex life on this planet may be a once-in-a-Big-Bang occurrence.

Could there be life on other planets?

One such star is our Sun with its own planetary system. So, the number of planets is huge. There remains a very significant possibility of life existing somewhere else. The exact form of life that can exist is a matter of speculation – it need not be carbon and oxygen-based like it is on earth.

Was the universe designed for life?

Because vast regions of the universe are hostile to life, it is inferred that the universe was not designed for life. Even that inference doesn’t follow, but never mind. The more important point is that “fine-tuned” doesn’t mean “designed.” That would make the inference to design a mere tautology.

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What would life be like without the universe?

The universe’s hostility and struggles gives life its purpose. Without all the weird needs we must fulfill to survive, life wouldn’t be significant, and we’d probably be apathetic if we didn’t have any sort of requirements to exist or whatever. (Dang this is a nerdy answer.

Can life exist in a universe governed by laws of nature?

Were even one of these constants or quantities to be slightly altered, the universe would not permit the existence of embodied, interactive life anywhere in the cosmos. These finely-tuned conditions are necessary conditions of life in a universe governed by the present laws of nature.