
Can an object exist without time?

Can an object exist without time?

Technically it can exist, since merely existing requires only a moment. The problem is that nothing can come into being in the first place, because that’s a process, and therefore requires the passage of time. So while in theory something can exist without time, in practice, it really can’t at all.

Is it possible for something to not have a beginning?

Real particles have a beginning and an end. They exist in Space and Time, and go out of existence beyond an interval. Thus Nothing [2]exists always, without beginning or end.

Does everything that exists have mass?

Everything that can be directly measured has mass, because everythign that exists has some energy, and energy and mass is the same thing, as per E=mc^2.

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What happens if there’s no time?

In zero seconds, light travels zero meters. If time were stopped zero seconds would be passing, and thus the speed of light would be zero. Nothing can travel faster than light (let alone infinitely fast) without gaining infinite mass and energy, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity.

How matter is formed?

All matter is made up of atoms, which are in turn made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Atoms come together to form molecules, which are the building blocks for all types of matter, according to Washington State University.

Can there be a cause without form?

A cause can exist without form. , former Natural Born Metaphysician. God, consciousness and Reality are all metaphysical in nature. In Christian theology, the soul is immaterial essence but there is a spiritual body that will have a distinctive form not unlike our distinctive physical body.

Why does my form appear to have a temporary existence?

Any form appears to have a temporary existence because of your existence, including the form of the body, unjustifiably you call ‘mine’. Without you, consciousness, no form can appear. Forms are objects of the transitory mind, which itself is an object that can be observed in consciousness.

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Is nothing a form or non-form?

You can define nothing, spell ‘nothing’, think about what ‘nothing’ means, seek to replicate ‘nothing’. Therefore it is not a non-form in any sense of the word, but a tangible descriptor that only indicates a degree of lack of a particular thing. Nothing IS a perception. All that can be perceived is a form.

Do non-physical things exist?

But one need not believe in God or simulated universe, they serve as models, like a Euclidean models of non-Euclidean geometry, which show that even a materialist has to admit that causally effective non-physical entities are logically and even “metaphysically” possible. It can only be argued that they do not exist as a matter of fact.