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Why hasnt my ex blocked me on social media?

Why hasnt my ex blocked me on social media?

If he/she hasn’t blocked you, means he/she doesn’t see the need to do so. But if you feel uncomfortable that he/she might stalk you or what, or you may want to hide things from him/her, or maybe you don’t want to see any hurtful or heartbreaking post and updates from him/her, just block then.

Why would an ex block you on social media?

“An ex might block you in order to move on, to prove to a new love that you are part of their past, or maybe you are ‘liking’ their stuff too much and are a little too involved with their page,” she tells Elite Daily.

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What it means when someone blocks you on social media?

Being blocked means you no longer have any access to their profiles, or any means to contact that person through the application – including posts, messages, friend lists, or calls.

Why hasn’t my ex blocked me on anything?

Originally Answered: Why hasn’t my ex blocked me? This means, your ex is matured enough to deal with the breakup confidently. Your ex hasn’t blocked you as he/she didn’t feel the need to. Ending a relationship doesn’t necessary mean end to all social contacts.

What does it mean when a guy doesn’t block you on Facebook?

There is no indication on your end other than they are not answered. If you’re talking about not being blocked on social media, this could be him leaving a small door open so he can make contact again.

Why would a guy read your messages but not block you?

He may not have blocked you (yet) because he finds doing that is simply too much trouble. Or he doesn’t know how. Perhaps he amuses himself at your expense. He reads your messages for a laugh. @ User-11433813922887241946 It is doubtful that he has any interest in speaking to you again.

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Why doesn’t my crush block me on text messages?

He may not have blocked you (yet) because he finds doing that is simply too much trouble. Or he doesn’t know how. Perhaps he amuses himself at your expense. He reads your messages for a laugh. No matter the reasons , he is indeed finished with you. You should make an effort to leave him alone.

How do you know if someone has blocked your text messages?

If you are using an IPhone, it will not tell you that your texts are blocked. They just go into a void and the person who blocked you does not receive them. There is no indication on your end other than they are not answered.