
Does Azula have a mental breakdown?

Does Azula have a mental breakdown?

Azula didn’t go insane, she was going through a mental breakdown. Her breakdown was most likely caused by realizing that her father had betrayed her, not her friends. She applied everything Ozai taught her to every part of her life, one example being building her friendships on fear instead of trust.

Is Azula a sadist?

Sadistic. This thing here is probably the most infamously spread Azula trait there is. She’s sadistic because Ozai burned Zuko’s face and she was enjoying it. Seeing her father giving Zuko what she would have considered a well-deserved punishment was going to please her because of Ozai’s influence on her, first of all.

What crimes has Azula committed?

Kill Mai for her betrayal. Rule as the new Fire Lord. Kill Zuko and Katara (all failed). Kidnap children of Fire Nation (briefly succeeded).

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Why did Azula cut her hair?

Azula was having a mental breakdown at the time she was trying to put her hair up. She was not getting it right the first time, and as a result, decided to just snip it off. She did not finish the job after the hallucination of her mother distressed her.

Does Azula have a child?

After her great achievements, Azula settled down and got married to a quite old nobleman named Yin Lee. She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki. Her husband soon died of old age, and Azula became a single mother.

Why is Azula fire blue?

Azula’s blue firebending was meant to symbolize that she was more powerful than Zuko as well as a firebending prodigy, and also to easily distinguish her attacks from his in their fights. She was initially intended to have an arranged marriage during the third season.

Who was Azula supposed to marry?

A New Family After her great achievements, Azula settled down and got married to a quite old nobleman named Yin Lee. She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki. Her husband soon died of old age, and Azula became a single mother.

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Why is Azula evil?

She shows the feud between Zuko and his family, and between Team Avatar and the Fire Nation. Azula’s evil, because she’s been raised by a man who showed her that evil is a way to get things done. He showed her that evil is a way to maintain power over others— if they fear you, they’ll listen to you.

Who kills Azula?

After the betrayal of her two closest friends Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin’s Comet, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental breakdown.

What age is Azula?

Azula. That’s right, Azula is only 14 throughout the entire series, which might be surprising to some. This also means there’s a two year age difference between her and older brother Zuko.