
What is relative speed of stator flux with respect to rotor flux?

What is relative speed of stator flux with respect to rotor flux?

The relative speed between the rotor field and stator field is zero. The relative speed between stator filed and stator is synchronous speed.

What happens when rotor speed is equal to stator speed?

If the motor reaches the (synchronous) speed of the stator rotating field then the rotor conductors would experience no changing field. The induced voltage and current would cease to exist and also the torque. With this type of motor we can never reach synchronous speed, it is an asynchronous motor.

What is the speed of rotating magnetic field produced in the stator?

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Speed is important to the rotating magnetic field of an AC motor. It is known as “synchronous speed.” This speed is calculated by dividing 120 times the frequency (F) by the number of poles (P). As an example, the synchronous speed for a 2-pole motor operated at 60 Hz is 3,600 RPM.

What is rotor speed formula?

Rotor speed formula: Nr= Ns – (S multiplied by Ns) Where nr is rotor speed, s is slip and ns is synchronous speed.

What is relative speed in induction motor?

The relative speed between the rotating field and stator winding is Ns – 0 = Ns. Therefore, the frequency of induced current or voltage in the stator winding is f = Ns P/120—the supply frequency. Effect of Slip on the Rotor Circuit. When the rotor is stationary, s = 1.

What does the squirrel cage machine do?

A synchronous motor may have a squirrel-cage winding embedded in its rotor, used to increase the motor starting torque and so decrease the time to accelerate to synchronous speed. The squirrel cage winding of a synchronous machine will generally be smaller than for an induction machine of similar rating.

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What will happen if the relative speed between the rotating flux of stator and rotating flux of rotor of the induction motor is zero?

✔Ans = The speed of rotor gradually increases and tries to catch up with the speed of rotating magnetic field, but it fails to reach synchronous speed, because if it catches up with speed of magnetic field, relative speed becomes zero and hence no EMF will be induced in the rotor conductors, the torque becomes zero.

What is the speed of a rotor with respect to the stator magnetic field in an induction motor?

NOTE: The speed of the rotor rotating field with respect to the stator is Ns and with respect to the stator rotating magnetic field is zero.

What is the speed of the rotor field in space?

(i) Frequency of stator current = 50 Hz (ii) Speed of rotor magnetic field w.r.t. rotor = (N. -N) = 1500 – 1440 = 60 rpm. Rotor magnetic field is in the same direction of rotation of rotor. (iii) Speed of stator magnetic field w.r.t. stator = N = 1500 rpm.

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What is rpm in speed?

CARS.COM — RPM stands for revolutions per minute, and it’s used as a measure of how fast any machine is operating at a given time. In cars, rpm measures how many times the engine’s crankshaft makes one full rotation every minute, and along with it, how many times each piston goes up and down in its cylinder.

What is relation between rotor MMF and stator MMF?

d) rotor mmf = 0.70 * stator mmf. Explanation: First the stator mmf is calculated. Then it is multiplied by 0.85 to obtain the rotor mmf.