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Why electric flux density is a vector quantity?

Why electric flux density is a vector quantity?

So, the electric flux density is a vector because it is sort of electric field, but through any medium. It was called “density” because in terms of mathematics when multiply E with a permittivity the unit turns into C/m^2 which is the unit of density, but it is still a vector because ε is just a constant.

Why is electric flux a scalar quantity?

Electric flux is a scalar quantity, because it’s the dot product of two vector quantities, electric field and the perpendicular differential area.

Is electric flux density is scalar or vector quantity?

Flux density is also a scalar quantity, which is a large number of magnetic field lines crossing per unit volume area, the largest is flux density. The Vector is represented by an arrow mark on the symbol.

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Why is flux a vector quantity?

For transport phenomena, flux is a vector quantity, describing the magnitude and direction of the flow of a substance or property. In vector calculus flux is a scalar quantity, defined as the surface integral of the perpendicular component of a vector field over a surface.

What is the quantity of electric flux density?

The Electric Flux Density has units of Coulombs per meter squared [C/m^2]. For more information, you can also watch the below video. Electric flux is a scalar quantity. It is defined as the dot product of two vectors, Electrical field intensity and area.

What is electric flux density?

Scientific definitions for electric flux density electric flux density. A measure of the strength of an electric field generated by a free electric charge, corresponding to the number of electric lines of force passing through a given area.

Why is electric flux not a vector?

Electric flux is a scalar quantity. Electric Flux is dot/scalar product of magnetic field vector and area vector. And the result of a dot/scalar quantity is always a scalar quantity. So electric flux is also a scalar quantity .

Is electrical resistance scalar or vector?

If you think of electrical resistance ,it is certainly a scalar quantiyty , but if you think of resistive force in mechanics then it is vector . This is clear from resistance being proportional to velocity .

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Is electric potential scalar or vector?

Electric force and electric field are vector quantities (they have magnitude and direction). Electric potential turns out to be a scalar quantity (magnitude only), a nice simplification.

Is electric flux a scalar or a vector quantity write electric flux on a scalar product of two vectors?

since, electric field is a vector quantity and the area is also a vector quantity, the dot product of two vectors is always a scalar quantity. Hence, Electric flux is a scalar quantity not a vector quantity.

Is electric flux is a vector quantity?

Electric flux is a scalar quantity because it is the dot product of two vector quantities, the electric field, and the perpendicular differential area.

What is the relation between electric flux and electric flux density?

The electric flux density, D, is then equal to the electric flux emanating from the charge, q, divided by the area of the sphere. coulombs per square meter; where the area is perpendicular to the lines of flux.

It’s because electric flux is a Dot Product of two vectors – Electric field and the area vector. Since dot product gives a scalar quantity and so is electric flux.

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What is the electric flux density?

Electric Flux is also a scalar as you clarified, electric flux density cant be anything but electric flux/unit area. So, Electric flux density= (Electric flux)/ (unit area)= (scalar)/ (scalar)—>Scalar?? Ok. Let us start with the electric field. Emanating from any electric charge we observe lines of ‘electric force’.

What is the difference between magnetic flux and electric flux?

In any case, the two quantities are not of the same type. The “flux” of the electric field and the “flux” of the magnetic field, (##\\Phi_E## and ##\\Phi_B##) are scalars, whereas the quantity that some people refer to as the “magnetic flux density” B is unquestionably a vector.

How do you find the electric flux through da?

In general, the electric flux through dA is equal to dA times the magnitude of the electric flux vector times the cosine of the angle between the normal and the electric flux vector (the dot product of the unit normal vector to dA with the unit vector in the direction of the electric flux density vector).