
What is the flux through a plane parallel to the field?

What is the flux through a plane parallel to the field?

Hey mate!!! ↪When B field is parallel to a plane surface, the flux through the plane is zero.

Why is the flux through a closed surface zero?

If there is no net charge within a closed surface, every field line directed into the surface continues through the interior and is directed outward elsewhere on the surface. The negative flux just equals in magnitude the positive flux, so that the net, or total, electric flux is zero.

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What is the flux through the plane perpendicular to the field?

Answer: The magnetic flux through a unit area perpendicular to the field is Magnetic Flux Density. – It is defined as the amount of magnetic flux passing through per unit area of a section which is perpendicular to the direction of field.

When the magnetic field is parallel to the plane?

When the rectangular coil is parallel to the direction of the magnetic field, the induced current is zero. It is because, effectively, zero or no magnetic field lines are linked to the cross-section of the coil.

What is the use of introducing the ideas of magnetic flux and magnetic flux density?

What is the use of introducing the ideas of magnetic flux and magnetic flux density? Magnetic flux and flux density help in understanding the concept of electromagnetic induction and relation between electricity and magnetism.

What is the flux due to electric field E 3 103 I NC − 1 through a square of side 1 10 cm when it is held normal to E?

electric flux will be zero. electric field, E = 3 × 10³ i N/C through a square of side 10cm.

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What is the flux through the surface?

The electric flux through an area is defined as the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane perpendicular to the field. Gauss’s Law is a general law applying to any closed surface.

Is the magnetic flux through a closed surface always zero?

While the magnetic flux through a closed surface is always zero, the magnetic flux through an open surface need not be zero and is an important quantity in electromagnetism.

What is the flux through the surface of the surface is parallel to the lines of force?

If the surface is parallel to the field (right panel), then no field lines cross that surface, and the flux through that surface is zero. If the surface is rotated with respect to the electric field, as in the middle panel, then the flux through the surface is between zero and the maximal value.

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When a plane of coil is parallel to magnetic field then torque acting on the coil will be?

When , that is when normal to the plane of loop and magnetic field are parallel to each other, torque acting on the loop becomes zero.

When plane of a coil is parallel to magnetic field torque acting on the coil will be?

When θ =90° or the plane of the loop is parallel to the magnetic field, the torque on the current loop is maximum. When θ = 0°/180° or the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the torque on the current loop is zero.

What is the use of introducing magnetic flux?

Magnetic flux is a measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given area. It is a useful tool for helping describe the effects of the magnetic force on something occupying a given area.