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What is the gravitational analogy of electric field?

What is the gravitational analogy of electric field?

Objects with mass are affected by a gravitational field in a manner that is almost identical to the way object with electric charge are affected by an electric field. Hence, this analogy. Consider a drop of water at the top of a waterfall.

What is a gravitational flux?

Gravitational flux is a surface integral of the gravitational field over a closed surface, analogous to how magnetic flux is a surface integral of the magnetic field. The gravitational flux through any closed surface is proportional to the enclosed mass.

What is the electric flux if the surface is perpendicular to the electric field?

Yes, electric flux is zero when an electric field is perpendicular but not at a surface. It is zero when it is perpendicular to the area vector as E.S=EScos(90)=0.

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How are gravity and electric similar?

Both gravitational and electric field obey inverse square laws (e.g. F(grav)=GMm/r^2 and F(electric)=kq1q2/r^2 where GMm and kq1q2 are constants). They both act between two bodies without any means of contact. However gravitational force acts on mass while the electric force acts on charge.

How is electric potential similar to gravitational potential energy?

By virtue of its position in an electric field, a charge has an electric potential energy. If the charge is free to move, the force due to the electric field causes it to accelerate, so its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, just like a mass that falls in a gravitational field.

How do you find the gravitational flux?

The size of the surface enclosing the mass is unimportant, and neither is its shape — the answer is always the same — the gravitational flux outward through any closed surface surrounding a mass M is just Φg = -4πGM !

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What is the divergence of gravitational field?

That’s why it is zero outside planets and not zero inside them. It results that all the contributions coming from the arrows entering the surface exactly cancel all the contributions coming the arrows leaving the surface, so ϕG=0 and therefore →∇⋅→g=0.

Why is an electric flux zero when an electric field is perpendicular at a surface?

Along the other four sides, the direction of the area vector is perpendicular to the direction of the electric field. Therefore, the scalar product of the electric field with the area vector is zero, giving zero flux.

What is electric flux in electric field?

Electric Flux is the total number of tubes of flux in an electric field i.e. Electric Flux is defined as the total number of lines of electric force in any particular electric field. The symbol of Electric Flux is Φ.

What is the flux of the gravitational field?

But as for me the flux of gravitational field is actually nothing but a gravity field itself: μ being the volume form. It doesn’t bear the meaning of a flux propagating the gravity field g or anything else. The question is specifically about gravity, and about classical gravity.

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How do you find the equation of flux?

ΦE α cos (θ) Considering the other two factors i.e. the electric field and the area of the surface, the equation of flux can be written as follows: ΦE = EAcos (θ) Where, E is Electric Field with units Newton.

How do you use Gauss’s law to find electric flux?

The magnitude of the field must be constant. Gauss’s Law can be used to find the electric field of point charge, infinite line of charge, infinite sheet of charge or sphere of charge. All these charge distributions are symmetrical in nature. We can also use Gauss’s Law to find the electric flux passing through a closed surface.