What is the relationship between flux and flux density?

What is the relationship between flux and flux density?

Flux is the amount of the field through a particular surface. Flux density is the amount of the field going through a unit area.

What is the relation between flux and frequency?

The magnetic field produced by the stator and the lines of flux that it generates are directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to frequency (flux ≈ V/Hz).

What happens when flux density increases?

Explanation: Electric flux density is the charge per unit area. The expression for flux density is: D=Q/A. Electric flux is directly proportional to charge, hence as charge increases, electric flux also increases.

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What is the formula of flux density?

Magnetic Flux Density

Quantity Unit Formula
Magnetic flux density webers per metre2 B = Φ /Area
Electric flux density coulombs per metre2 D = C/Area

What is the relationship between flux density and field strength?

so that the value of the field intensity, H, is directly proportional to the value of induced flux density, B (or B-field), and the term “magnetic field intensity” is then often loosely used for both the H-field and the B-field.

How do you know if flux is increasing?

If the magnetic flux is increasing, then that implies the induced magnetic field points in the opposite direction of external magnetic field. On the other hand, if the magnetic flux is decreasing, the two fields will point in the same direction.

Is flux density and magnetic field the same?

Because we are dividing flux by area we could also directly state the units of flux density in Tesla. In fact, the term magnetic flux density is often used synonymously with the magnitude of the magnetic field.

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What is electric flux and flux density?

Electric flux is the normal (Perpendicular) flux per unit area. If a flux of passes through an area of normal to the area then the flux density ( Denoted by D) is: If a electric charge is place in the center of a sphere or virtual sphere then the electric flux on the surface of the sphere is:

What is the electric flux of a sphere?

Electric flux is the normal (Perpendicular) flux per unit area. If a flux of passes through an area of normal to the area then the flux density (Denoted by D) is: If a electric charge is place in the center of a sphere or virtual sphere then the electric flux on the surface of the sphere is:, where r =radius of the sphere.

What is the relation between ion flux and bulk plasma density?

There is a well-known relation between the ion flux to an electrode and the bulk plasma density where is the plasma density reduction in the presheath area ( is the plasma density at the sheath boundary), is the Bohm velocity, is the electron temperature, is the main ion mass.

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What is the total electric flux radiated by a charge of qcoulombs?

The total electric flux radiated by a charge of Q Coulombs is: Coulombs. Electric flux is the normal (Perpendicular) flux per unit area. If a flux of passes through an area of normal to the area then the flux density ( Denoted by D) is: