
Why do I bring up phlegm every morning?

Why do I bring up phlegm every morning?

Postnasal drip – The body produces excess mucus when sinus problems or allergies occur with upper respiratory tract infections. The excess mucus can drain down into the throat, especially when lying down. This is called postnasal drip and is one of the most common causes of morning cough.

How do I stop sleeping with mucus in my throat?

Sleeping flat on your back or on your side can cause mucus to accumulate in your throat, which can trigger a cough. To avoid this, stack a couple of pillows or use a wedge to lift your head and neck slightly. Avoid elevating your head too much, as this could lead to neck pain and discomfort.

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What causes mucus in the throat while sleeping?

When you lay down, mucus naturally starts to pool in your throat purely because of your position. This causes the coughing reflex to kick in, as a means of moving that mucus out. The air you breathe at night can also worsen a wet cough.

How do I stop waking up with post nasal drip?

Additional Tips For Sleeping With Post Nasal Drip and A Stuffy Nose

  1. Sleep on your side.
  2. Keep the air quality clean.
  3. Moisturize your sinuses on a daily basis.
  4. Adjust the temperature, keep it cool.
  5. Prop your head up with a pillow.
  6. And, avoid alcohol and other foods and beverages high in histamine, especially at night.

Is a lot of phlegm a symptom of Covid?

While fever, fatigue, and a dry cough are the most common symptoms of a COVID-19 infection, you may also end up with a wet mucus-producing cough if you catch SARS-CoV-2. Your lungs and airways start to produce extra mucus to clear out infections when you catch a virus like SARS-CoV-2.

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What sleeping position is best for sinus drainage?

The best sleeping position for sinus drainage problems and other sinus issues is to sleep with your head propped up. Sleeping with your head propped up will help gravity naturally drain your sinuses and reduce the chance of excessive blood flow that can develop sinus congestion.

Should I use Flonase at night or in the morning?

Is it better to use FLONASE at night? In short, no. One daily dose of FLONASE Allergy Relief delivers 24-hour relief from your worst allergy symptoms. So, even if you take it in the morning, you’re still covered for all night long, without pesky allergy symptoms.