
Is it normal for a child to prefer one parent over the other?

Is it normal for a child to prefer one parent over the other?

It’s not uncommon for children to prefer one parent over the other. Sometimes this is due to a change in the parenting roles: a move, a new job, bedrest, separation. One parent cares more for the infant, while the other parent spends more time with the older children.

Why do some parents have favorites?

Sometimes, parents prefer one child over another. Here are some reasons why. A large proportion of parents consistently favor one child over another. This favoritism can manifest in different ways: more time spent with one child, more affection given, more privileges, less discipline, or less abuse.

Should a parent love their child more than their spouse?

As it turns out, it is possible to love your kid a little too much — particularly if you love them more than your spouse. “Research strongly suggests that children whose parents love each other are much happier and more secure than those raised in a loveless environment,” she argues.

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Is it true that parents have a favorite child?

Even if you don’t fully recognize it, research indicates that there’s a good chance that you actually do have a favorite. In fact, one study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found 74\% of moms and 70\% of dads reported preferential treatment toward one child.

Do parents have a favorite child?

Parents do have a preference, but it’s normally not who children think it is — and whoever their “favorite” is could have an impact on their health. “The very large majority of both mothers and fathers — when asked directly — are willing to say that there is a child that they are … closer to, prefer to confide in, prefer as a caregiver,

How do you know if your parents are favoritism?

When Parents Play Favorites. Preferring one child over another. A large proportion of parents display consistent favoritism toward one child over another. This favoritism can manifest in different ways: more time spent with one child, more affection given, more privileges, less discipline, or less abuse.

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Is it normal for parents to favor one child over another?

The only thing that truly sets her apart is that she is honest about favoring one child over the other, while many parents deny this to be true. The truth is, research actually shows that favoring a child isn’t all that uncommon. And, like Samantha, most parents will favor their oldest child.

Do parents have a preference in who they prefer for kids?

Parents do have a preference, but it’s normally not who children think it is — and whoever their “favorite” is could have an impact on their health.