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Can the government listen in on your conversations with your lawyer?

Can the government listen in on your conversations with your lawyer?

So under FISA, the government can covertly listen in on a subject’s pre-indictment consultations with their lawyer, hear the lawyer’s strategy, and gain a head start on addressing the legal shortcoming of their own case, so long as they don’t use the recorded conversations as evidence at trial.

Can a lawyers office be bugged?


What lawyers should not tell?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you…

  • “The Judge is biased against me” Is it possible that the Judge is “biased” against you?
  • “Everyone is out to get me”
  • “It’s the principle that counts”
  • “I don’t have the money to pay you”
  • Waiting until after the fact.
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What can a lawyer reveal from a conversation with a client that is in private?

To put it briefly, the Duty of Confidentiality states that your lawyer cannot reveal anything that is related to your legal representation without your consent. Thus, your lawyer is prohibited from revealing any matter that might be related to the legal claim for which you have hired them.

Can the FBI bug a lawyers office?

So, while FBI raids of lawyers’ offices are rare, they may be an indication of the type of information agents are seeking.

Do lawyers lie for their clients?

In California, the Rules of Professional Conduct govern a lawyer’s ethical duties. The law prohibits lawyers from engaging in dishonesty.

Is speaking to a lawyer confidential?

As a general rule, any communication between a lawyer and a client is confidential and subject to the attorney client privilege. The attorney cannot tell that information to anyone without the client’s consent. Importantly, this privilege applies to the lawyer’s prospective clients, as well as actual clients.

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Would you know if your under investigation?

Probably the second most common way people learn that they’re under federal investigation is when the police execute a search warrant at the person’s house or office. If the police come into your house and execute a search warrant, then you know that you are under investigation.

Can listening devices hear conversations through walls?

Yes, listening devices can hear conversations through walls of an office building or home, whether they are made from brick, concrete, sheetrock or other materials. A listening device can even allow someone to hear whispering in the adjacent room as long as the microphone is sensitive enough. How Do Listening Devices Work?

Why do people use listening devices?

People use these kinds of devices to hear conversations from a distance so that the people who are talking do not know someone else is listening to their private communications. The police will often use listening devices to spy on certain suspects who they have reason to believe are involved in criminal activity.

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How far away can you hear someone listening?

Some of these devices can allow someone to hear a conversation from 100 yards away, while others have a range of 300 yards, depending on what type of listening device is being used. Here are a few different listening devices that you can find:

How can I listen to someone without them knowing?

Because of their long range, listeners can remain undetected at a safe distance. This type of gear looks to be readily available. You can visit several Web sites, search through a large variety of listening devices marketed specifically for surveillance and have one delivered right to your house.