
Why did the scholars artists and writers of Constantinople migrate to Italy?

Why did the scholars artists and writers of Constantinople migrate to Italy?

Explanation: In the early Renaissance, European scholars brought manuscripts to Italy, recognized as the home of classical studies. Some of these were brought by Greek-speaking scholars from the Byzantine Empire*, who fled to Italy to escape the invading Turks.

What promoted the Greek scholars to go to Italy after 1453?

Answer: Answer: In 1453, the Ottoman Turks sieged the City Constantinople and the Greek scholars fled to Italy.

What are the factors which led the scholars to migrate Italy?

Five main causes are suggested as being behind the immigration: ease of entry; Italy’s increasing prosperity; segmentation of the Italian labour market, opening up specific niches for immigrant employment; dominance of push factors from the countries of origin; and the demographic collapse in Italy.

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How did ancient Greek and Roman scholars contribute to the renaissance?

Renaissance art was heavily influenced by classical art, wrote Virginia Cox in “A Short History of the Italian Renaissance.” Artists turned to Greek and Roman sculpture, painting and decorative arts for inspiration and also because their techniques meshed with Renaissance humanist philosophy.

How did ancient Greek and Roman texts inspire Renaissance artists scholars and philosophers?

To Renaissance scholars and philosophers, these classical sources from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome held great wisdom. Their secularism, their appreciation of physical beauty and especially their emphasis on man’s achievements and expression formed the governing intellectual principle of the Italian Renaissance.

What are the reasons most people flee from Constantinople to Italian cities points?

Spread of Islam : During the period of the Middle Ages, Islam spread rapidly. Constantinople was conquered by Turks in 1493. This resulted in the fleeing of most of the Christians from Constantinople to Italy and some other places.

What caused the Greek scholars to come to Italy or give an important reason why the Renaissance began in Italy?

Following are the reasons why the Renaissance first began in Italy: All the historical remains and relics of the Roman Empire were to be found in Italy. Due to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, a large number of Greek scholars and thinkers migrated to Italy, bringing with them their original manuscripts and artworks.

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Who was the Greek scholar?

The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. Socrates (470/469–399 B.C.E.) is remembered for his teaching methods and for asking thought-provoking questions.

What was life like during the Renaissance in Italy?

The centuries of the Renaissance saw the major Italian cities turn from dark medieval cities of wood into bright cities of marble. Dwellings began to be designed differently as life in the city emerged from the courtyards and into the streets and public squares.

What was life like during the Renaissance?

People during the Renaissance enjoyed all sorts of entertainment. They went to festivals, sporting events, and played games such as chess, checkers, and backgammon. Perhaps the biggest event was carnival which took place before Lent each year. People would have big parties and dress up in costumes for the Masquerade.

What did scholars do in the Renaissance?

Advances in classical scholarship during the Renaissance had important effects on the fields of theology*, philosophy, and medicine, which were based on ancient texts. Scholars transformed theology by applying the new techniques of textual criticism to the Bible.

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What happened to the Greek scholars after the fall of Constantinople?

Many Greek scholars fled Constantinople before and after the fall of the City due to the Ottoman menace They went to Italy, where they were welcomed. They took with them many books and manuscripts written in Greek.

What would have happened to Constantinople if there was no outside support?

However, without outside support, Constantinople’s defenders would be spread thin. The Ottoman besiegers vastly outnumbered the Byzantines and their allies. Between 60,000 and 80,000 soldiers fought on land, accompanied by 69 cannon.

What was the economy of Constantinople like prior to the fall?

Prior to the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine economy had been reduced to a very low condition, and the population of the city may have fallen to as few as 50,000 inhabitants. After the Ottoman capture of the city in 1453 and the security that came with it, economic activity revived in Constantinople…

How did the fall of Constantinople affect Muscovy?

As Constantinople fell, Russian monks announced to the Tsar—or Emperor—of Moscow, that the first Rome had fallen (the actual city of Rome in Italy), and now Constantinople the second Rome had fallen as well. This meant that now the power of Muscovy would be the third, eternal Rome.