Why do I have an extra line on my pinky finger?

Why do I have an extra line on my pinky finger?

The extra crease of the little finger was unilateral or bilateral. A single interphalangeal crease on the little finger represents, as generally recog- nized, a characteristic dermatoglyphic trait in Down’s syndrome, 18-trisomy, de Lange syndrome and oral-facial-digital syndrome (Alter, 1966; Preus and Fraser, 1972).

Why do fingers have lines?

Some people think the palm lines in human hands foretell the future through the practice of palmistry. Scientifically speaking, however, the lines on a palm, or palmar flexion creases, help the hand’s skin stretch and squeeze. That may also be why there are strong creases where the bones in the fingers and thumb meet.

What is extra phalangeal crease?

This extra phalangeal crease is also known as the ring crease as this is usually present as a metacarpophalangeal crease on the middle finger and ring finger, and is only rarely found on the little finger.

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Are wrinkly fingers bad?

There are wildly different ways wrinkles could occur on a surface, but pruney fingers have a particular look. Pruney fingers don’t seem like a side effect. And, in fact, it has been known since the 1930s that nerve damage to a finger abolishes the pruney response. Pruney fingers are neuronally modulated.

What is a single palmar crease?

A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. The crease is most often referred to as a single palmar crease. The older term “simian crease” is not used much anymore, since it tends to have a negative meaning (The word “simian” refers to a monkey or ape).

What is the meaning creases?

1 : a line, mark, or ridge made by or as if by folding a pliable substance. 2 : a specially marked area in various sports especially : an area surrounding or in front of a goal (as in lacrosse or hockey)

What is Achenbach?

Achenbach syndrome (paroxysmal finger hematoma) refers to a condition in which a patient exhibits episodic pain and swelling in one or more digits along with the subsequent appearance of a hematoma on the palmar side of the proximal phalanges.

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What kind of line is 1?

1. Straight line: Straight lines are shown below. 2.