What was Edward Snowden job?

What was Edward Snowden job?

General contractorSystem AdministratorTechnology specialistWeb Application Developer
Edward Snowden/Professions

Is Snowden a documentary?

Citizenfour is a 2014 documentary film directed by Laura Poitras, concerning Edward Snowden and the NSA spying scandal. The film had its US premiere on October 10, 2014, at the New York Film Festival and its UK premiere on October 17, 2014, at the BFI London Film Festival.

Where is Snowden living today?

Russia later granted Snowden the right of asylum with an initial visa for residence for one year, which was subsequently repeatedly extended. In October 2020, he was granted permanent residency in Russia.

What type of laptop does Edward Snowden use?

The Librem from Purism is a laptop which is designed with privacy in mind and it is apparently the favorite laptop of Edward Snowden. The device is designed to be more secure than normal laptops and it comes with a range of privacy focused features.

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Where did Snowden flee?

On May 20, 2013, Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Barton Gellman, and Ewen MacAskill.

How did Edward Snowden get captured?

Edward Snowden Captured. Sources inside the Agency claim that Snowden was captured in the early hours of the morning while walking the streets of Moscow’s Arbat District, where he was ambushed by an extraordinary rendition team illegally operating on Russian soil.

Why did Edward Snowden expose abuses of the Patriot Act?

Snowden exposed abuses of the Patriot Act for seemingly patriotic reasons. He saw the the NSA’s indiscriminate mass surveillance as a detriment to democracy and a symptom of unchecked presidential powers.

Is Edward Snowden in CIA custody?

WASHINGTON DC — After more than three years as a fugitive, Edward Snowden is now in CIA custody, an Agency press release states.

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How did Edward Snowden get asylum in Russia?

Asylum in Russia. On June 23, 2013, Snowden landed at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport aboard a commercial Aeroflot flight from Hong Kong. On August 1, after 39 days in the transit section, he left the airport and was granted temporary asylum in Russia for one year.