
What is the difference between a collection and a set?

What is the difference between a collection and a set?

A collection can include different types of elements i.e. it can contains alphabets, numbers, names etc. In a collection elements can repeat . Whereas a set is a well defined colletion of distict elements and it is enclosed in “{}” .

What is the difference between an album and a collection in Flickr?

Album — you can assign photos to albums. Albums make it possible for people to view selections of your photos all together, with a different-looking page. Collection — You can put Albums into Collections. A Collection gives your viewers an even “higher level” organization of your photos.

How do I use collections on Flickr?

Hover over You and select Organize. Click the Albums & Collections tab. Select a collection listed on the left column and you will be able to edit title and description, edit the collection mosaic, open or delete the collection.

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How do I organize albums in Flickr?

Mouse over ‘You’ and select ‘Organize’. Click the ‘Albums & Collections’ tab. Drag and drop the albums in the order you want them to be in.

What is difference between Collection and collections?

It defines several utility methods like sorting and searching which is used to operate on collection. It has all static methods….Collection vs Collections in Java with Example.

Collection Collections
The Collection is an interface that contains a static method since java8. The Interface can also contain abstract and default methods. It contains only static methods.

What is the difference between Collection and set give example?

Well-defined collections are sets. Example: The collection of good teachers in a school is not a set, It is a collection. The collection of vowels in English alphabets is a set.

What are Flickr galleries?

Galleries are virtual showcases you create of photos and videos from other Flickr members. Kind of like an physical photo gallery in a city, but on Flickr. Galleries are a great way to engage with other members of the Flickr community and to show them you appreciate their work.

Can you share a collection on Flickr?

www.flickr.com/photos/freeman-family/collections/72157649… EDIT there is no “share” icon on that page but you can grab the link and paste it in an email. Just click on any Collection and the different Albums that make up the Collection will be shown on the new page.

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What is a Flickr collection?

Collections—Those are groupings of Albums (or groups of Collections, up to five deep). You can create them with the Flickr Organizr. Group—A collection of photos visible to a select set of Flickr users who can view or add images.

Why do we use collections?

Collections are used to store, retrieve, manipulate, and communicate aggregate data. Typically, they represent data items that form a natural group, such as a poker hand (a collection of cards), a mail folder (a collection of letters), or a telephone directory (a mapping of names to phone numbers).

What is difference between collection class and interface?

The Collection interface provides the methods that can be used for data structure whereas Collections class provides the static methods which can be used for various operation on a collection.

A collection can contain sets and other collections, going down as five (5) deep. That is you can have the following nests/groups: Think of them like Gmail labels. An email can have multiple labels as can Flickr sets/collections be in more than one collection. It’s a superset of another way to organise your Flickr photos.

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What’s the difference between a collection and a set?

A set contains photos. A collection can contain sets (or other collections). Isn’t this just sets of sets? Yes, but no. It’s better. Can anyone clarify for me why it’s better? I’m sure everyone uses them differently; I’m just having a hard time figuring out why you’d need them, and the FAQ is not exactly helpful.

What is an album on Flickr?

Flickr Albums and Collections. With Flickr, you can create albums in order to put together photos that revolve around a certain theme or event, such as a family vacation or wedding. You can also create collections to put your albums in a sort of themed timeline, so one flows into the next like a story.

How do I organize my photos on Flickr?

With Flickr, you can create albums in order to put together photos that revolve around a certain theme or event, such as a family vacation or wedding. You can also create collections to put your albums in a sort of themed timeline, so one flows into the next like a story.