
Do flight attendants get discounted flights?

Do flight attendants get discounted flights?

You’ll also get discounts on hotels, car rentals, other airlines’ flights, and vacation packages. A flight attendant with over ten years of experience sums up the rewards of the job: We get discounted airfare on pretty much all the airlines of the world. Plus you have more days off than the average.

Can flight attendants fly for free?

Most airlines allow flight attendants to fly for free on what’s called “stand-by”. This means that as a flight attendant you get to use those free tickets if there is availability on the flight. Airlines are basically allowing employees to fly for free on unused seats.

What are the benefits of becoming a flight attendant?

Here are 10 common advantages of the flight attendant career path:

  • Free flights and travel opportunities.
  • Flight benefits for family and friends.
  • Flexible schedule.
  • Opportunities to meet new people.
  • Food expense reimbursement.
  • Overnight hotel stays.
  • Ability to self-direct.
  • Health insurance.
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How much time off do flight attendants get?

Flight attendants frequently have between 12 and 18 days off per month and over a years time, average about 156 days off. (The average office worker has 96 days off and, works eight-hour days.) Of course, days off are not necessarily at home, buy many flight attendants use these days as mini vacations.

How often do flight attendants get paid?

1 answer. Flight Attendants get paid monthly. Usually you will make around $1,600 a month.

What are the downsides of being a flight attendant?

List of the Cons of Being a Flight Attendant

  • The salaries of flight attendants are shockingly low.
  • You are almost always on reserve or on call as a flight attendant.
  • This job requires you to be away from home a lot.
  • Your training is not always classified as employment.
  • You may not have the option to take a sick day.

At what age can I be a flight attendant?

18 years old
Each airline has their own requirements but most applicants must be at least 18 years old, be eligible to work in the United States, have a valid passport pass a background check and drug test.

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Which flight attendant makes most money?

Which Airlines Pay Flight Attendants the Most?

Average Annual Pay Additional Annual Pay
American Airlines $43,460 $2,825
Delta Airlines $40,236 $6,400
Southwest Airlines $42,000 $4,800
United Airlines $44,219 $5,200

What is the average height of a flight attendant?

Most airlines require at least 5’2 in height. It’s usually a strict requirement, since it would affect the flight attendant’s ability to do their job (e.g. reaching overhead bins).

Do flight attendants get paid during flight?

You get paid only for the time you spend in flight. You know how it takes a gazillion hours to get through security, board the plane, cram your luggage into the overhead compartments, sit through the safety instructions, and taxi on the runway before your plane finally takes off? Flight attendants don’t make a dime during any of that.

What are flight attendants never allowed to do on a plane?

Stranger still are all the things you’ll never catch flight crew doing on a plane. From whether or not you’ll ever see a flight attendant out of uniform to how many of those mini bottles they’ll actually serve you, these things flight attendants are never allowed to do might surprise even the most intrepid travelers.

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What do flight attendants do before and after landing?

Before the plane lands, flight attendants once again ensure that seatbelts are fastened, seats are locked in the upright position, and all carry-on and galley items are properly stowed. Before they leave the plane, flight attendants survey the condition of the cabin.

Can flight attendants make you switch seats during a flight?

They can’t make passengers switch seats. Flight attendants are unlikely to give you a hand if you want to switch seats during a trip. “A lot of people assume we can just get people to move.