
Why do some people still believe that the Earth is flat?

Why do some people still believe that the Earth is flat?

The people who thought the Earth was flat believed so because they did not know about gravity, and assumed that the flatness was the reason they did not fall off the planet. There is disagreement among historians concerning when civilizations began to view the Earth as round.

Do they really think the Earth is flat?

Some of the researchers believe that the Earth is flat in shape. They say, when you walk in and around on the Earth’s surface, it will look and feel like it is flat. So, they feel what most people feel about the Earth to be round in shape is actually not correct. The belief that the Earth is flat is an ultimate conspiracy theory .

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Who believes in Flat Earth theory and why?

Hecataeus of Miletus believed that the Earth was flat and surrounded by water. Herodotus in his Histories ridiculed the belief that water encircled the world, yet most classicists agree that he still believed Earth was flat because of his descriptions of literal “ends” or “edges” of the Earth.

What kind of people believe in the flat Earth theory?

The belief of the flat Earth was common in ancient Greece, India, China, and a wide range of indigenous cultures. The ancient Greek conception had some similarities with that of early Egyptian thought that the Earth was a large disc surrounded a huge body of water.

What is the flat Earth conspiracy?

Flat Earth Society Claims Round Earth A Conspiracy Theory. Members of the Flat Earth Society claim to believe the Earth is flat. Walking around on the planet’s surface, it looks and feels flat, so they deem all ‘evidence’ to the contrary as false.

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Why does Earth have fewer visible craters than the Moon?

Moon has more craters than the Earth and its reason is atmospheric differences on both planets. Atmosphere on earth protects it from outside hitting objects as these objects get burnt in earths atmosphere before reaching its surface. Similary changing weather on earth i.e.rain etc also helps in reducing such craters.

Why flat Earth is impossible?

It is not possible because of the change of horizon. Like ships in the oceans, stars in the sky also indicate that our planet is not flat. In case of flatness, the arrangement of stars will stay the same for all the people of the world. But that’s not the case.