What would happen if religion and politics go together?

What would happen if religion and politics go together?

If politics is associated with religion it will not be in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution. It will be very harmful if a political party favours one religion and uses it to get more votes. It may lead to conflict between different groups of people based on religious ideology.

How can religion influence politics explain?

Religion means values, ethics and culture while politics means power, rights, etc. Politicians in order to win the confidence of the public, take the support of their religion, they build temples, give donations to various social organizations on the name of caste and religion, give religion influential speeches, etc.

How does religion affect society in terms of government?

Societies depend in large part upon religion and churches to establish moral order. Government can never build enough jails to house the criminals produced by a society lacking in morality, character, and faith. These attributes are better encouraged by religious observance than by legislative decree or police force.

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Can politics and religion go hand in hand?

Gandhiji used to say that religion can never be separated from politics. What he meant by religion was not Hinduism or Islam but moral values that inform all religions. He believed that politics must be guided by the morals and ethics drawn from religion.

What is meant by religious politics?

One of the defining features of the post-Cold War era has been the resurgence of religious politics. By this we mean the increased politicisation of individuals and groups that are defined by their faith tradition.

How is religion a source of conflict?

Religious extremists often describe their actions as saving the world from evil out-groups. People who use religion to create conflict simply multiply this belief in their own superiority tenfold. The reason religious superiority leads to conflict is because it provides extremists a motivation for it.

How can religion be used in politics in a positive manner?

Religion can be used in politics in a positive manner in the following ways. Politics should be guided by the ethics and values of religion. We should raise our demands as a religious community but not at the cost of other religions. They should have equal response to different religious conflicts or demands.

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How does religion contribute to social control and support for the government?

Given this approach, Durkheim proposed that religion has three major functions in society: it provides social cohesion to help maintain social solidarity through shared rituals and beliefs, social control to enforce religious-based morals and norms to help maintain conformity and control in society, and it offers …

Does religion play a role in society?

Religion serves several functions for society. These include (a) giving meaning and purpose to life, (b) reinforcing social unity and stability, (c) serving as an agent of social control of behavior, (d) promoting physical and psychological well-being, and (e) motivating people to work for positive social change.

Why is it necessary to separate religion from State?

Answer Expert Verified. An essential part of secularism is its partition of religion from State control. In this manner, the oppression of the dominant part and the infringement of Fundamental Rights that can come about is one motivation behind why it is vital to isolate the State and religion in democratic societies.

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Does religion play a role in politics?

For example, Islam has traditionally held that all people owe obedience to Allah’s will. Thus, it is probably inevitable that religious commitments will sometimes come into conflict with the demands of politics. But religious beliefs and practices also potentially support politics in many ways.

What are some religious political issues?

Religious political issues may involve, but are not limited to, those concerning freedom of religion, applications of religious law, and the right to religious education . States have adopted various attitudes towards religions, ranging from theocracy to state atheism .

How do religious groups influence society?

“After all, the ordinary members of the religious groups live in the larger society and absorb its cultural influence through institutions like the media, schools, neighborhoods, and the workplace. Much of Secular Faith revolves around the common influences that affect people of differing religions, as well as people holding no religion at all.”

Should religion be involved in civil rights issues?

Religion should be involved only in moral issues such as Civil Rights for the oppressed (including refugees), but never, ever for purposes of passing unconstitutional discriminatory laws. This practice by certain evangelicals turned entire masses of the last generation against faith.