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Is fast food even real food?

Is fast food even real food?

It is real food. It’s just that it’s very low quality food. Fast food restaurants usually use very low quality meats and breads and other ingredients that are very high in fat, sugar, starch, and low in healthful nutrients that your body needs.

What is actually in fast food?

Fast food ingredients often include a lot of salt, sugar, and processed chemicals, which have been linked to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Here at Flo, we’re shining a light on some disturbing fast food facts that will make you think twice about take-out.

How harmful fast food really is?

While the occasional night of junk food won’t hurt much, eating Junk foods regular has been shown to lead to increased risks of obesity and chronic diseases. Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers all have causes in excessive junk food consumption.

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Is fast food meat real meat?

Beef, chicken, and fish products at fast-food restaurants aren’t always made from 100 percent meat. They can contain additional additives, such as a textured vegetable protein or a soy product, that make them cheaper to produce. Health experts say these types of processed meats are less healthy than unprocessed meats.

Does fast food make you fat?

Excess calories from fast-food meals can cause weight gain. This may lead toward obesity. Obesity increases your risk for respiratory problems, including asthma and shortness of breath. The extra pounds can put pressure on your heart and lungs and symptoms may show up even with little exertion.

Is fast food healthy?

Fast food is typically loaded with calories, sodium, and unhealthy fat—often enough in one meal for an entire day. It also tends to be low in nutrients and almost totally lacking in fruit, vegetables, and fiber. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid fast food entirely.

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How toxic is McDonald’s food?

Researchers obtained 64 food samples of hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets, chicken burritos and cheese pizza from the chains. They found that over 80\% of the foods contained a phthalate called DnBP. And 70\% contained the phthalate DEHP. Both of the chemicals have been linked to reproductive health problems.

How is McDonald’s so cheap?

Keeping its wages low, McDonald’s is able to maintain a workforce that allows its food to be cheap which allows it a scale that equals big profits. Coupled with upselling, the chain covers its low-cost food by selling it in massive volumes.

Why is fast food so cheap?

Kids eat smaller portions of meals with fewer ingredients, which means these meals cost the restaurant less. This helps increase profit margins. Therefore, McDonald’s can once again charge cheap prices for these meals and still make money from them.

Is fast food really that bad for You?

The Mayo Clinic warns that fast food consumption is generally unhealthy and is leading to an alarming increase in obesity in both children and adults. It is also a culprit in cardiovascular disease, which affects the heart and arteries.

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What are the bad things about fast food?

Research on animals has shown that fast food causes a decrease in ability of memory and learning new skills. The bad fats in junk food, such as trans fats, can replace the good fats in the brain, interfering the signaling mechanism. Consuming a large amount of fatty and sugary fast food can also increase the risk of dementia.

What is the harm of fast food?

Fast food is almost universally dangerous and should probably carry a warning from the surgeon general. It contains meat-based carcinogens, is high in total calories and saturated fat and is a principal source of trans fat. North Americans are always looking to shave a few seconds off everything–even eating.