
What if Draco Malfoy died in the Battle of Hogwarts?

What if Draco Malfoy died in the Battle of Hogwarts?

Simple answer is that Snape would have died as the Unbreakable Vow would have been broken on his half٫ the vanishing cabinets wouldn’t have been repaired and the Death Eaters wouldn’t have entered Hogwarts, therefore leaving Dumbledore to hold on longer, and of course, when Narcissa goes to check if Harry is dead, she’ …

Who died when the Chamber of Secrets was opened?

Cause of Death: In the 1940s, Myrtle was hiding from a bully in the bathroom when Tom Riddle came in to open the Chamber of Secrets. The basilisk emerged and killed Myrtle, leaving her body alone for hours before it was found.

What was in the box that Draco had in Chamber of Secrets?

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Originally Answered: What is the object that Draco Malfoy steal in Chamber of Secrets movie? Nobody actually knows what is in that little box. It’s irrelevan, just something the director threw in to emphasise the fact that Draco Malfoy is a bad person. It’s a present intended for another student.

Did Draco kill anyone in the Battle of Hogwarts?

So far as we know, Draco never actually killed anyone. He talks like a Death Eater, and he makes some mediocre attempts at killing Dumbledore, and tortures people when he’s threatened by Voldemort, but that’s the worst he does.

Did Draco Malfoy want to be a Death Eater?

Originally Answered: Does Draco want to be a death eater? Yes, he did. As Ms Rowling explained on Pottermore: Voldemort, seeking to punish Lucius Malfoy still further for the botched capture of Harry, demanded that Draco perform a task so difficult that he would almost certainly fail – and pay with his life.

What year was Tom Riddle in when he opened the chamber?

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The Chamber was opened during the 1942–1943 school year by a sixteen-year-old teenager by the name of Tom Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort.

What was Draco doing in Half Blood Prince?

In the sixth book called the Half Blood Prince, Draco is charged with the responsibility to find a way to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts and to kill Dumbledore. Draco managed to do all of this successfully but he couldn’t kill Dumbledore, Severus Snape had to kill Dumbledore instead.

What is the closet in Half Blood Prince?

Vanishing Cabinet

Vanishing Cabinet
Object information
Made 1980 or earlier
Usage Together act as passage way
Owners Hogwarts Borgin and Burkes

What happened dracos dad?

Although not much is known about Lucius’s parents, it is known that they were both pure-blood. His father, Abraxas, died of a case of Dragon pox, when he was very old.

What happened to the match between Harry Potter and Draco?

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the match was changed and expanded. Fred and George made no attempt to help Harry while Draco had noticed the snitch and both he and Harry fought to win it. They went under the stadium where Draco hit a wooden plank and flew off the broomstick, leaving the game hurt.

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Does Draco Malfoy play Quidditch?

If you thought one of Draco Malfoy’s in-match taunts didn’t make a lot of sense, you weren’t alone. In Chamber of Secrets, Draco Malfoy is now the seeker for Slytherin’s quidditch team, putting him in direct competition with Harry Potter.

What happened in the Quidditch match in Harry Potter?

We see these two rivals go head-to-head in a quidditch match, which becomes upended when a bludger goes rogue and starts funning for Harry. In the movie, this results in a ton of property damage for what’s supposed to be the equivalent of a junior high basketball match.

When was the Quidditch match played between Gryffindor and Slytherin?

The Quidditch match was played between Gryffindor and Slytherin in November 1992. The game was won by Gryffindor when Harry Potter retrieved the snitch.