
Why Complex Life is rare in the universe?

Why Complex Life is rare in the universe?

The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that life requires terrestrial planets like Earth, and since gas giants lack such a surface, that complex life cannot arise there. A planet that is too small cannot maintain much atmosphere, rendering its surface temperature low and variable and oceans impossible.

Is everything in the universe symmetrical?

According to the CPT theorem (charge, parity, time), there is a fundamental symmetry between particles and antiparticles in our Universe.

What is intelligent life?

Definition of intelligent life : beings that can learn and understand things looking for signs of intelligent life on other planets.

What is necessary for complex life to exist?

We need to distinguish between microbial life and multicellular, complex life. The key factor is the need for a more efficient metabolism in order for complex life to develop. An oxygen based metabolism can meet this requirement. In addition, complex life forms probably need an environment with more stability.

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Why is supersymmetry needed?

Supersymmetry is an extension of the Standard Model that aims to fill some of the gaps. It predicts a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model. These new particles would solve a major problem with the Standard Model – fixing the mass of the Higgs boson.

What are the odds of life forming on Earth?

Similarly, for Earth to have been the only case of hosting a technological species over the history of our Galaxy, the odds of a habitable zone planet ever hosting a technological species must be less than 1.7×10−11 (about 1 in 60 billion).

What is Type 3 civilization?

A Type III civilization, also called a galactic civilization, can control energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.

What is the most complex life form?

A microscopic, see-through water flea is the most complex creature ever studied, genomically speaking. Daphnia pulex is the first crustacean to ever have its genome sequenced, and it turns out it has about 31,000 genes — 25 percent more than we humans.

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Is the universe hostile to life on Earth?

Universe is not hostile to the life. It is treating life as very significant and purposeful one and hence has made this earth so congenial for life with abundant resources and protections. It is humans’ selfish and greedy actions that are becoming hostile to the very life of the earth as well as its constutent.

What is the design of the universe?

The design is not how much of the universe is hospitable to life versus how much is hostile to life. The design is in the cosmological constants – where we are in the narrow band that is hospitable to life and not in the huge regions that are hostile to life.

Why is the universe as big as it is?

(a) The main reason why the universe is as big as it currently is that in the first place, the universe had to contain sufficient matter to form galaxies and stars, without which life would not have appeared; and in the second place, the density of matter in the cosmos is incredibly fine-tuned, due to the fine-tuning of gravity.

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Why is the universe life-permitting rather than life-prohibiting?

The fact to be explained is why the universe is life-permitting rather than life-prohibiting. That is to say, scientists have been surprised to discover that in order for embodied, interactive life to evolve anywhere at all in the universe, the fundamental constants and quantities of nature have to be fine-tuned to an incomprehensible precision.