Did Molly Weasley love Harry Potter or did she have some hidden intentions?

Did Molly Weasley love Harry Potter or did she have some hidden intentions?

She absolutely had no hidden intentions. Thinking that Molly’s love for Harry was mixed with her own intentions is an insult to the pure character. Her love for Harry was like that of a mother. She loved him as one of her son’s and did everything she would do for her weasley’s or probably even more.

What nickname should Molly Weasley always have remained private?

Molly and Harry then discussed Horace Slughorn and his return to Hogwarts. When Arthur arrived home from work, he made her ask him their security questions before allowing himself in, as to set an example and in the process revealed that Arthur’s private nickname for her was “Mollywobbles.”

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What is the age difference between Molly Weasley and Lily Potter?

Between both couples there is a difference of about ten years. Molly was born on 30 October, 1949 or 1950, Arthur on 6 February, 1950, and finally James and Lily were born on the same year, 1960, but on different dates, Lily on 30 January and James on almost two months later, on 27 March.

Did Molly Weasley want a daughter?

Molly likely really wanted a girl so that she could have a kindred spirit (another female) to connect with. Being surrounded by nothing but her own boys/men and all those nephews would make one want someone to have girl time with. Thus, Molly kept having children until she had a girl.

What was Molly Weasleys Boggart?

The corpses of her family and Harry Potter
Molly Weasley/Boggart

What was Molly Weasley’s Boggart?

What does Molly say when she kills Bellatrix?

Molly uses the line “You will never touch my children again!” after Bellatrix is defeated, just like in the book; however, this does not occur in the film.

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Why does Molly Weasley tell Ginny to stay in the room?

And it’s at this point where Molly orders Ginny to stay put because her youngster isn’t of age. She stays inside the Room true to her mother’s word, but is thrilled when Harry, Ron, and Hermione force her out. Ginny then joins the fight and is devastated like the rest of the family when Fred Weasley perishes in battle.

What is wrong with Molly in Deathly Hallows?

Molly is struggling mentally during the early moments of the book and struggles to get rid of a Boggart that shows Percy, Harry, Ron and more people she cares about dead in 12 Grimmauld Place. She puts on a brave show but, during Voldemort’s time back in power, is emotionally distraught.

What happened to Molly Weasley’s brothers?

Sometime after she graduated, both her brothers were murdered by Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War. Molly and Arthur ended up having seven children, consisting of six sons named Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Ron and only one daughter named Ginny Weasley.

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How did Molly Potter meet Arthur Weasley?

It was Hogwarts where Molly met Arthur Weasley, whom she began dating. One night, they went out for a night-time stroll and whilst Arthur got caught by Apollyon Pringle, she managed to get back to Gryffindor Tower at four in the morning and was told off by the Fat Lady.