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Why do they take a train to Hogwarts?

Why do they take a train to Hogwarts?

Some pure-blood families weren’t initially into the idea of traveling by train. Their prejudice against Muggles led them to believe it was unsafe and unsanitary, and they refused to board. Eventually, the Ministry decreed that students were required to arrive by train.

Can a Muggle use the floo?

Yes they can. When Harry infiltrated the ministry in book 7, he sent some of the Muggles back using Floo Powder. (Muggles married to wizards.)

Are Muggles allowed in Diagon Alley?

Diagon Alley is a high street located in London. It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles (non-magical people). However, Muggles are allowed access to it if they need to accompany their Muggle-born magical children.

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Can squibs use the floo?

Yes, all of the magic is contained in the fireplace once it’s attached to the floo network. The powder is all that’s necessary to activate it; the user does not need to cast a spell. It’s well established that squibs and muggles can use magical objects and devices that require no spells to be cast by the user.

Can a Muggle marry a wizard?

For instance, Muggles sometimes married wizards or witches and thus became aware of the wizarding world, as occurred with Mr Finnigan when he married a witch, or Hope Howell when she married Lyall Lupin. Muggles also occasionally produced a magical child.

How did the Floo system work in Harry Potter?

The system was operated and overseen by the Floo Network, which was based at the British Ministry of Magic. A fireplace had to be connected to the Floo Network for one to travel to it, and fireplaces could be connected temporarily, in the case of travelling to Muggle homes.

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How dangerous are wizards in the Harry Potter universe?

We know that wizards in the Harry Potter universe are subject to regular physical harm (e.g. witness injuries from being hit by Bludgers or just colliding with things when playing Quidditch). Ther… Stack Exchange Network

Why do they use Broomsticks in Harry Potter?

Wizards used broomsticks to travel long distances, or for sport, particularly in the game Quidditch. This skill of flying on brooms was taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to first years in Flying classes.

What is the best way to travel in the Wizarding World?

Apparition was a popular method of travel in the wizarding world, though it was stated that plenty of adult witches and wizards did not bother with it, preferring brooms, Floo Powder or portkeys. Albus Dumbledore once noted that most people vomited the first time they Apparated.