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What happens if a Muggle finds out about magic?

What happens if a Muggle finds out about magic?

Any muggles who witness any magical event is obliviated, if such knowledge would prove dangerous to the wizarding community. However, it is left up to the Aurors in each country to decide when or if this must be done.

What would happen if a war raged between Muggles and wizards?

What would happen if a war raged between muggles and wizards? In a battle, the Wizard would be utterly decimated. In a war, the muggles wouldn’t stand a chance.

Why didn’t Wizards take over the world?

Wizards aren’t interested in ruling the world. They just want to live their own lives without muggle interference. Well, Grindelward saw this obvious blunder in magical world, and sought to correct it, but was stopped by his own kind, Albus Dumbledore.

Who would win in a war between wizards and Muggles?

Even if every wizard in the world joined the wizarding armies, the muggle armies would still be larger. The wizards would have some magical tricks that would help to even the playing field, but muggles are very good at killing. Ultimately, the wizards wouldn’t stand a chance.

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How can Hermione do magic?

Hermione is a witch born to muggle parents but has magic in her blood. The term that describes this occurrence is called a squib. A family can pass down magic genes that await for the right combination of genes in parents to create a child that is a witch or a wizard even if they are muggles themselves.

Did muggles and wizards ever go to war?

The author’s explanation for this is simple: at some point, near the end of the Middle Ages, there was a war between wizards and muggles, and muggles somehow managed to not only defeat the Wizarding World but kill their most powerful wizards – thus why there were no more truly powerful wizards left (even though Albus …

Do guns work in Harry Potter?

While the guns are never explicitly addressed in the Harry Potter books, it is kind of Invoked Trope that HP-verse includes a Fantasy Gun Control . Basically, guns would be useless against anybody who has taken at least basic level of charms.

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How is Hogwarts hidden?

Wizarding society is kept hidden from Muggle society through a vast and complex range of concealment charms. If a Muggle were to look at Hogwarts, for example, all they would see is a ruin with signs telling them to keep out.

Are we just muggles?

Since Muggle refers to a person who is a member of the non-magical community, Muggles are simply ordinary human beings without any magical abilities and almost always with no awareness of the existence of magic. Witches and wizards with all-magical heritage are called pure bloods.

Is horcrux a real word?

According to series author J.K. Rowling, the invented term Horcrux has no specific etymology, although fans have created their own largely based on the word’s resemblance to the Latin crux, or “cross.” Rowling writes that it was devised by the random “transposition of syllables” during a brainstorming session.

Does magic exist in real life?

Using that logic, magic technically exists in the real world, and simply represents things which we understand to be “base rules” or causes, rather than effects. If that is not appealing, you could create a magic system which encompasses sizable differences from our world.

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Can science be both logical and magical?

Science must be “logical” and “rational” and magic not. A person with a rational mindset should not look to magic as the first answer. Why? And how and why would the scientific method ever have developed if a major part of reality was resistant to it?

Can magic be random?

Magic can’t be totally random, since it must be possible to control it to some extent, or there could be no magicians. The suggestions I previously received that came closest to satisfying my requests hinged on irreproducible results. These permitted spellcasting, but ruled out the other aspects of magic.

Is there a way to study magic?

This isn’t really escapable, science can study anything with observable effects in the universe. If magic is a well known force, humans will attempt to understand it through scientific observation. The best you can do is make magic so rare that few people believe in it or have any opportunity to study it.