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Can an employer not pay you for hours worked?

Can an employer not pay you for hours worked?

It doesn’t matter. If your employer allows you to work, they’re legally required to compensate you for those work hours—so even if it’s your idea to come in early or put in a few hours on your day off, your employer is still legally required to compensate you for that work time.

Is it legal to not be paid for overtime?

Some employers choose to offer pay to employees for working more hours than the employment contract says. This is usually called overtime pay. Although some employers offer overtime pay, there’s no automatic legal right to it.

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Is overtime over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week?

In California, overtime is officially counted both after 8 hours of work per day, AND 40 hours per week – according to the California Labor Code Section 510, i.e. The Cunningham Law. So, if you work 9 hours on Tuesday, you are entitled to get paid for 1 hour of overtime.

Is there a way around paying overtime?

In reality, the way to avoid paying overtime is to work people less than 40 hours a week, manage a balanced staffing plan so that you have enough floaters and part time help to fill the gaps, and closely watch your trends in customer needs and staffing to make sure they match up.

What are the disadvantages of working overtime?

Significant effects include stress, lack of free time, poor work-life balance, and health risks. Employee performance levels could also be lowered. Long work hours could lead to tiredness, fatigue, and lack of attentiveness.

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Do you have to pay employees for working overtime?

They could also discipline you for breaking the rule against working overtime, but they must still pay you for the hours you worked. Simply put, so long as you are a nonexempt employee, your employer must pay you for EVERY minute you work, and pay you time and a half for every minute you work over 40 hours.

How much time off do you have to give for overtime?

If an employee has agreed to bank overtime hours, he or she must be given 1½ hours of paid time off work for each hour of overtime worked. Paid time off must be taken within three months of the week in which the overtime was earned or, if the employee agrees electronically or in writing, it can be taken within 12 months.

What is overtime banked time?

This is sometimes called “banked” time or “time off in lieu.” If an employee has agreed to bank overtime hours, he or she must be given 1½ hours of paid time off work for each hour of overtime worked.

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When is overtime due on a 40-hour work week?

Five eight-hour days add up to a 40-hour week, with no overtime. Then, one day goes long or a project requires additional weekend work. Confusion mounts when employees work extra hours. Federal pay policy states overtime is due when an employee works eight or more hours of approved overtime per day.