
What is the relationship between centripetal force and gravitational force?

What is the relationship between centripetal force and gravitational force?

Centripetal forces cause centripetal accelerations. In the special case of the Earth’s circular motion around the Sun – or any satellite’s circular motion around any celestial body – the centripetal force causing the motion is the result of the gravitational attraction between them.

Can centripetal force be equal to gravitational force?

Is centripetal force equal to gravitational force? – Quora. No. Centripetal force is defined as the force necessary to maintain an object (with a certain mass) in circular motion (with a certain radius).

Why is there no centripetal force at the North Pole?

At the pole, there is no centrifugal force because there is no distance from the center of rotation. It is the center of rotation. Nothing is subtracted, so it is greater.

What would happen if the centripetal force between Moon and Earth when is away?

However,moon revolves around the earth in a circular motion because of the centripetal force acting of on it. In absence of centripetal force, the moon will not be able to follow a circular path and would move in a straight line tangential to the orbit of the moon.

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How is centripetal force different from gravitational force?

The gravitational force is the force exerted by the planet’s attraction according to the law of Newton, while the centripetal force is the force due to the rotation of a satellite orbiting the planet.

What is the source of centripetal force for the circular motion of the Earth around the sun?

gravitational force
The source of centripetal force is the gravitational force between the planet and Sun. Gravitational force depends on the mass of the planet, mass of the Sun and distance between them.

What is the relationship between centripetal force and the mass of an object?

a = F/m , This means centripetal acceleration is generally inversely proportional to the mass of an object.

Why does centripetal force acts towards the Centre?

Because the direction that items fall is called down. Why is centripetal acceleration towards the center? Because the direction of the force keeping an item in circular motion is towards the center.

Why is centripetal acceleration zero at the poles?

There’s still radius and angular velocity at the pole right, so why is it zero? Since r=0 at the poles, the angular momentum is 0. And at the equator, the centripetal force is acting in the opposite direction of the gravitational force. Centripetal force should always directed to the center.

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What is the effect of centripetal force on earth at equator and at pole?

Earth’s gravity is a bit stronger at the poles than at the equator, because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, so anobject at the poles is slightly closer to the center of the Earth than one at the equator; this effect combines with the centrifugal force to produce the observed weight difference.

What is the centripetal force acting on the moon How would the motion of the moon change if there were no centripetal force acting on it?

How would the motion of the moon change if there were no centripetal force acting on it? Gravity. If there was no gravity the moon would float away.

How would the moon get centripetal force for revolving around the earth *?

The Moon gets the centripetal force required to move around the earth from the gravitational force exerted by the earth on the moon.

The gravitational force allows the body to move around in orbits because of its velocity. This is one of the biggest misconceptions that centripetal force is an external force. Weight is always equal to gravitational force.

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What is the source for the centripetal force in the Solar System?

The source for the centripetal force in the solar system is the gravitational force of the sun. Without the centripetal force from the sun the planets would travel in a straight line. The velocity of the planets is high enough so that they continuously accelerate towards the sun without ever leaving their orbits.

Why do we weigh less when the Earth is rotating?

This means that there must be a net forceon you – the centripetal force pointing toward the center of the Earth. Therefore, the downward weight force must be greater than the upward scale force, and the difference between the mg force and the scale force equals the centripetal force on you! You weigh less because the Earth is rotating!

What is the formula for centripetal acceleration?

According to Newton’s second law, a = v² / r is the centripetal acceleration ‘s formula. Take a look at the centripetal force’s diagram to visualize what centripetal force definition is all about: We can also rewrite the centripetal force equation by replacing the velocity with the angular velocity ω: F = m * ω² * r.